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# Additional API endpoints
## Login
Return token and user ID for username and password:
**POST** `/api/login/`
"username": "tubearchivist",
"password": "verysecret"
after successful login returns
"token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"user_id": 1
## Refresh
**GET** `/api/refresh/`
- **type**: one of *video*, *channel*, *playlist*, optional
- **id**: item id, optional
without specifying type: return total for all queued items:
"total_queued": 2,
"type": "all",
"state": "running"
specify type: return total items queue of this type:
"total_queued": 2,
"type": "video",
"state": "running"
specify type *and* id to get state of item in queue:
"total_queued": 2,
"type": "video",
"state": "in_queue",
"id": "video-id"
**POST** `/api/refresh/`
- extract_videos: to refresh all videos for channels/playlists, default False
Manually start a refresh task: post list of *video*, *channel*, *playlist* IDs:
"video": ["video1", "video2", "video3"],
"channel": ["channel1", "channel2", "channel3"],
"playlist": ["playlist1", "playlist2"]
## Cookie
Check your youtube cookie settings, *status* turns to `true` if cookie has been validated.
**GET** `/api/cookie/`
"cookie_enabled": true,
"status": true,
"validated": 1680953715,
"validated_str": "timestamp"
**POST** `/api/cookie/`
Send empty post request to validate cookie.
"cookie_validated": true
**PUT** `/api/cookie/`
Send put request containing the cookie as a string:
"cookie": "your-cookie-as-string"
Imports and validates cookie, returns on success:
"cookie_import": "done",
"cookie_validated": true
Or returns status code 400 on failure:
"cookie_import": "fail",
"cookie_validated": false
## Search
**GET** `/api/search/?query=<query>`
Returns search results from your query.
## Watched
**POST** `/api/watched/`
Change watched state, where the `id` can be a single video, or channel/playlist to change all videos belonging to that channel/playlist.
"id": "xxxxxxx",
"is_watched": true
## Ping
Validate your connection and authentication with the API
**GET** `/api/ping/`
When valid returns message with user id and TubeArchivist version:
"response": "pong",
"user": 1,
"version": "v0.4.7"