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Setting up TubeArchivist with Docker

TubeArchivist requires Docker. Please make sure that it is installed and running on your computer before continuing. Docker is required because Tube Archivist depends on three main components split up into separate docker containers.

For minimal system requirements, the Tube Archivist stack needs around 2GB of available memory for a small testing setup and around 4GB of available memory for a mid to large sized installation. Minimal with dual core with 4 threads, better quad core plus.

!!! note For arm64: Tube Archivist is a multi arch container, same for redis. For Elasitc Search use the official image for arm64 support. Other architectures are not supported.

Save the docker-compose.yml file from this reposity somewhere permanent on your system, keeping it named docker-compose.yml. You'll need to refer to it whenever starting this application.


The main Python application that displays and serves your video collection, built with Django.

  • Serves the interface on port 8000
  • Needs a volume for the video archive at /youtube
  • And another volume to save application data at /cache.
  • The environment variables ES_URL and REDIS_HOST are needed to tell Tube Archivist where Elasticsearch and Redis respectively are located.
  • The environment variables HOST_UID and HOST_GID allows Tube Archivist to chown the video files to the main host system user instead of the container user. Those two variables are optional, not setting them will disable that functionality. That might be needed if the underlying filesystem doesn't support chown like NFS.
  • Set the environment variable TA_HOST to match with the system running Tube Archivist. This can be a domain like, a subdomain like or an IP address like If you are running Tube Archivist behind a SSL reverse proxy, specify the protocoll. You can add multiple hostnames separated with a space. Any wrong configurations here will result in a Bad Request (400) response.
  • Change the environment variables TA_USERNAME and TA_PASSWORD to create the initial credentials.
  • ELASTIC_PASSWORD is for the password for Elasticsearch. The environment variable ELASTIC_USER is optional, should you want to change the username from the default elastic.
  • For the scheduler to know what time it is, set your timezone with the TZ environment variable, defaults to UTC.
  • Serves the interface on port 8000
  • Needs a volume for the video archive at /youtube
  • Set the environment variable ENABLE_CAST=True to send videos to your cast device, read more.

Configuring TubeArchivist

Edit the following values from that file:

Under tubearchivist->environment:

  • HOST_UID: your UID, if you want TubeArchivist to create files with your UID. Remove if you are OK with files being owned by the the container user.
  • HOST_GID: as above but GID.
  • TA_HOST: change it to the address of the machine you're running this on. This can be an IP address or a domain name.
  • TA_PASSWORD: pick a password to use when logging in.
  • ELASTIC_PASSWORD: pick a password for the elastic service. You won't need to type this yourself.
  • TZ: your time zone. If you don't know yours, you can look it up here.

Under archivist-es->environment:

  • "ELASTIC_PASSWORD=verysecret": change verysecret to match the ELASTIC_PASSWORD you picked above.

By default Docker will store all data, including downloaded data, in its own data-root directory (which you can find by running docker info and looking for the "Docker Root Dir"). If you want to use other locations, you can replace the media:, cache:, redis:, and es: volume names with absolute paths; if you do, remove them from the volumes: list at the bottom of the file.

From a terminal, cd into the directory you saved the docker-compose.yml file in and run docker compose up --detach. The first time you do this it will download the appropriate images, which can take a minute.

You can follow the logs with docker compose logs -f. Once it's ready it will print something like celery@1234567890ab ready. At this point you should be able to go to http://your-host:8000 and log in with the TA_USER/TA_PASSWORD credentials.

You can bring the application down by running docker compose down in the same directory.

Use the latest (the default) or a named semantic version tag for the docker images. The unstable tag is for intermediate testing and as the name implies, is unstable and not be used on your main installation but in a testing environment.

Port Collisions

If you have a collision on port 8000, best solution is to use dockers HOST_PORT and CONTAINER_PORT distinction: To for example change the interface to port 9000 use 9000:8000 in your docker-compose file.

Should that not be an option, the Tube Archivist container takes these two additional environment variables:

  • TA_PORT: To actually change the port where nginx listens, make sure to also change the ports value in your docker-compose file.
  • TA_UWSGI_PORT: To change the default uwsgi port 8080 used for container internal networking between uwsgi serving the django application and nginx.

Changing any of these two environment variables will change the files nginx.conf and uwsgi.ini at startup using sed in your container.


!!! note Tube Archivist depends on Elasticsearch 8.

Use bbilly1/tubearchivist-es to automatically get the recommended version, or use the official image with the version tag in the docker-compose file.

Use official Elastic Search for arm64.

Stores video meta data and makes everything searchable. Also keeps track of the download queue.

  • Needs to be accessible over the default port 9200
  • Needs a volume at /usr/share/elasticsearch/data to store data

Follow the documentation for additional installation details.

Elasticsearch on a custom port

Should you need to change the port for Elasticsearch to for example 9500, follow these steps:

  • Set the environment variable http.port=9500 to the ES container
  • Change the expose value for the ES container to match your port number
  • For the Tube Archivist container, change the ES_URL environment variable, e.g. ES_URL=http://archivist-es:9500


Functions as a cache and temporary link between the application and the file system. Used to store and display messages and configuration variables.

  • Needs to be accessible over the default port 6379
  • Needs a volume at /data to make your configuration changes permanent.

Redis on a custom port

For some architectures it might be required to run Redis JSON on a nonstandard port. To for example change the Redis port to 6380, set the following values:

  • Set the environment variable REDIS_PORT=6380 to the tubearchivist service.
  • For the archivist-redis service, change the ports to 6380:6380
  • Additionally set the following value to the archivist-redis service: command: --port 6380 --loadmodule /usr/lib/redis/modules/

Start the application

To start, cd into the directory where the docker-compose.yml file is located and run docker compose up --detach in terminal. The first time you do this it will download the appropriate images, which can take a minute.

You can follow the logs with docker compose logs -f. Once it's ready it will print something like celery@1234567890ab ready. At this point you should be able to go to http://your-host:8000 and log in with the TA_USER/TA_PASSWORD credentials.

You can bring the application down by running docker compose down in the same directory.