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You can enable and configure LDAP with the following environment variables:

Environment Variable Default Example Description
TA_LDAP false true Set to anything besides empty string to use LDAP authentication instead of local user authentication.
TA_LDAP_SERVER_URI null ldap://ldap-server:389 Set to the uri of your LDAP server.
TA_LDAP_DISABLE_CERT_CHECK null true Set to anything besides empty string to disable certificate checking when connecting over LDAPS.
TA_LDAP_BIND_DN null uid=search-user,ou=users,dc=your-server DN of the user that is able to perform searches on your LDAP account.
TA_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD null yoursecretpassword Password for the search user.
TA_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP_USERNAME uid uid Bind attribute used to map LDAP user's username
TA_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP_PERSONALNAME givenName givenName Bind attribute used to match LDAP user's First Name/Personal Name.
TA_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP_SURNAME sn sn Bind attribute used to match LDAP user's Last Name/Surname.
TA_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP_EMAIL mail mail Bind attribute used to match LDAP user's EMail address
TA_LDAP_USER_BASE null ou=users,dc=your-server Search base for user filter.
TA_LDAP_USER_FILTER null (objectClass=user) Filter for valid users. Login usernames are matched using the attribute specified in TA_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP_USERNAME and should not be specified in this filter.

While LDAP authentication is enabled, the django-managed passwords (e.g. the password defined in TA_PASSWORD), will not allow you to login. Only the LDAP server is used for authentication.