2021-09-29 13:19:21 +07:00

878 B

Tube Archivist Home Page Functionality

This is the landing page, when you first open Tube Archivist. You have a few options to sort and filter that view:

  • With the Sort Order you can select how the "Recent Videos" are sorted:
    • Date Published: Sorts the list by date when the video was published on YouTube, newest on top.
    • Date Downloaded: Sorts the list based on when you have downloaded the video to your archive, newest on top.
  • With Hide Watched you can filter out videos you have already marked as watched to only show unwatched videos.
  • You can use those two options together to for example filter the list to Hide Watched videos and sort by date downloaded.

Additionally the search icon search icon opens a text field to search your collection.