mirror of
synced 2025-01-22 16:50:13 +00:00
* Initial commit for GET response for TaskAPIView. * Update for missing space - linting issue. * Additional linting fixes. * add is_locked method to check if lock is set * Update to use `.is_locked` method and add decorator. * Fix linting issue. * Fix doubled "rescan" call for locked file. Removed call to ".owned()" under "is_locked". * Commenting out GET call in TaskAPI view to revert change for testing. * Commenting is_locked function to see if Server Response 500 is stopped. * Reassert is_locked function within RedisArchivist class. * Create test GET responder. * Reverting simple GET response change. * Reapplying simple GET response for `/api/task/`. * Reapplying change with modification to lock key. * Documentation update for new GET calls. * README: fix returned value as `bool` instead of `str`. * Updating the `is_locked` key reference to "rescan" and "downloading" to fix which key is being retrieved. * Use dictionary keys, rather than line-by-line statements. * Fix typo in README for Task View. Co-authored-by: simon <simobilleter@gmail.com>
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502 lines
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"""all API views"""
from api.src.search_processor import SearchProcess
from api.src.task_processor import TaskHandler
from home.src.download.queue import PendingInteract
from home.src.download.yt_dlp_base import CookieHandler
from home.src.es.connect import ElasticWrap
from home.src.index.generic import Pagination
from home.src.index.video import SponsorBlock
from home.src.ta.config import AppConfig
from home.src.ta.helper import UrlListParser
from home.src.ta.ta_redis import RedisArchivist, RedisQueue
from home.tasks import extrac_dl, subscribe_to
from rest_framework.authentication import (
from rest_framework.authtoken.models import Token
from rest_framework.authtoken.views import ObtainAuthToken
from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.views import APIView
class ApiBaseView(APIView):
"""base view to inherit from"""
authentication_classes = [SessionAuthentication, TokenAuthentication]
permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated]
search_base = False
data = False
def __init__(self):
self.response = {"data": False, "config": AppConfig().config}
self.data = {"query": {"match_all": {}}}
self.status_code = False
self.context = False
self.pagination_handler = False
def get_document(self, document_id):
"""get single document from es"""
path = f"{self.search_base}{document_id}"
response, status_code = ElasticWrap(path).get()
self.response["data"] = SearchProcess(response).process()
except KeyError:
print(f"item not found: {document_id}")
self.response["data"] = False
self.status_code = status_code
def initiate_pagination(self, request):
"""set initial pagination values"""
user_id = request.user.id
page_get = int(request.GET.get("page", 0))
self.pagination_handler = Pagination(page_get, user_id)
"size": self.pagination_handler.pagination["page_size"],
"from": self.pagination_handler.pagination["page_from"],
def get_document_list(self, request):
"""get a list of results"""
es_handler = ElasticWrap(self.search_base)
response, status_code = es_handler.get(data=self.data)
self.response["data"] = SearchProcess(response).process()
if self.response["data"]:
self.status_code = status_code
self.status_code = 404
self.response["paginate"] = self.pagination_handler.pagination
class VideoApiView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/video/<video_id>/
GET: returns metadata dict of video
search_base = "ta_video/_doc/"
def get(self, request, video_id):
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""get request"""
return Response(self.response, status=self.status_code)
class VideoApiListView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/video/
GET: returns list of videos
search_base = "ta_video/_search/"
def get(self, request):
"""get request"""
self.data.update({"sort": [{"published": {"order": "desc"}}]})
return Response(self.response)
class VideoProgressView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/video/<video_id>/
handle progress status for video
def get(self, request, video_id):
"""get progress for a single video"""
user_id = request.user.id
key = f"{user_id}:progress:{video_id}"
video_progress = RedisArchivist().get_message(key)
position = video_progress.get("position", 0)
self.response = {
"youtube_id": video_id,
"user_id": user_id,
"position": position,
return Response(self.response)
def post(self, request, video_id):
"""set progress position in redis"""
position = request.data.get("position", 0)
key = f"{request.user.id}:progress:{video_id}"
message = {"position": position, "youtube_id": video_id}
RedisArchivist().set_message(key, message, expire=False)
self.response = request.data
return Response(self.response)
def delete(self, request, video_id):
"""delete progress position"""
key = f"{request.user.id}:progress:{video_id}"
self.response = {"progress-reset": video_id}
return Response(self.response)
class VideoSponsorView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/video/<video_id>/sponsor/
handle sponsor block integration
search_base = "ta_video/_doc/"
def get(self, request, video_id):
"""get sponsor info"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
sponsorblock = self.response["data"].get("sponsorblock")
return Response(sponsorblock)
def post(self, request, video_id):
"""post verification and timestamps"""
if "segment" in request.data:
response, status_code = self._create_segment(request, video_id)
elif "vote" in request.data:
response, status_code = self._vote_on_segment(request)
return Response(response, status=status_code)
def _create_segment(request, video_id):
"""create segment in API"""
start_time = request.data["segment"]["startTime"]
end_time = request.data["segment"]["endTime"]
response, status_code = SponsorBlock(request.user.id).post_timestamps(
video_id, start_time, end_time
return response, status_code
def _vote_on_segment(request):
"""validate on existing segment"""
user_id = request.user.id
uuid = request.data["vote"]["uuid"]
vote = request.data["vote"]["yourVote"]
response, status_code = SponsorBlock(user_id).vote_on_segment(
uuid, vote
return response, status_code
class ChannelApiView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/channel/<channel_id>/
GET: returns metadata dict of channel
search_base = "ta_channel/_doc/"
def get(self, request, channel_id):
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""get request"""
return Response(self.response, status=self.status_code)
class ChannelApiListView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/channel/
GET: returns list of channels
POST: edit a list of channels
search_base = "ta_channel/_search/"
def get(self, request):
"""get request"""
{"sort": [{"channel_name.keyword": {"order": "asc"}}]}
return Response(self.response)
def post(request):
"""subscribe to list of channels"""
data = request.data
to_add = data["data"]
except KeyError:
message = "missing expected data key"
return Response({"message": message}, status=400)
pending = [i["channel_id"] for i in to_add if i["channel_subscribed"]]
url_str = " ".join(pending)
return Response(data)
class ChannelApiVideoView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/channel/<channel-id>/video
GET: returns a list of videos of channel
search_base = "ta_video/_search/"
def get(self, request, channel_id):
"""handle get request"""
"query": {
"term": {"channel.channel_id": {"value": channel_id}}
"sort": [{"published": {"order": "desc"}}],
return Response(self.response, status=self.status_code)
class PlaylistApiListView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/playlist/
GET: returns list of indexed playlists
search_base = "ta_playlist/_search/"
def get(self, request):
"""handle get request"""
{"sort": [{"playlist_name.keyword": {"order": "asc"}}]}
return Response(self.response)
class PlaylistApiView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/playlist/<playlist_id>/
GET: returns metadata dict of playlist
search_base = "ta_playlist/_doc/"
def get(self, request, playlist_id):
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""get request"""
return Response(self.response, status=self.status_code)
class PlaylistApiVideoView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/playlist/<playlist_id>/video
GET: returns list of videos in playlist
search_base = "ta_video/_search/"
def get(self, request, playlist_id):
"""handle get request"""
self.data["query"] = {
"term": {"playlist.keyword": {"value": playlist_id}}
self.data.update({"sort": [{"published": {"order": "desc"}}]})
return Response(self.response, status=self.status_code)
class DownloadApiView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/download/<video_id>/
GET: returns metadata dict of an item in the download queue
POST: update status of item to pending or ignore
DELETE: forget from download queue
search_base = "ta_download/_doc/"
valid_status = ["pending", "ignore"]
def get(self, request, video_id):
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""get request"""
return Response(self.response, status=self.status_code)
def post(self, request, video_id):
"""post to video to change status"""
item_status = request.data["status"]
if item_status not in self.valid_status:
message = f"{video_id}: invalid status {item_status}"
return Response({"message": message}, status=400)
print(f"{video_id}: change status to {item_status}")
PendingInteract(video_id=video_id, status=item_status).update_status()
return Response(request.data)
def delete(request, video_id):
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""delete single video from queue"""
print(f"{video_id}: delete from queue")
return Response({"success": True})
class DownloadApiListView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/download/
GET: returns latest videos in the download queue
POST: add a list of videos to download queue
DELETE: remove items based on query filter
search_base = "ta_download/_search/"
valid_filter = ["pending", "ignore"]
def get(self, request):
"""get request"""
query_filter = request.GET.get("filter", False)
self.data.update({"sort": [{"timestamp": {"order": "asc"}}]})
if query_filter:
if query_filter not in self.valid_filter:
message = f"invalid url query filder: {query_filter}"
return Response({"message": message}, status=400)
self.data["query"] = {"term": {"status": {"value": query_filter}}}
return Response(self.response)
def post(request):
"""add list of videos to download queue"""
print(f"request meta data: {request.META}")
data = request.data
to_add = data["data"]
except KeyError:
message = "missing expected data key"
return Response({"message": message}, status=400)
pending = [i["youtube_id"] for i in to_add if i["status"] == "pending"]
url_str = " ".join(pending)
youtube_ids = UrlListParser(url_str).process_list()
except ValueError:
message = f"failed to parse: {url_str}"
return Response({"message": message}, status=400)
return Response(data)
def delete(self, request):
"""delete download queue"""
query_filter = request.GET.get("filter", False)
if query_filter not in self.valid_filter:
message = f"invalid url query filter: {query_filter}"
return Response({"message": message}, status=400)
message = f"delete queue by status: {query_filter}"
return Response({"message": message})
class PingView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/ping/
GET: test your connection
def get(request):
"""get pong"""
data = {"response": "pong", "user": request.user.id}
return Response(data)
class LoginApiView(ObtainAuthToken):
"""resolves to /api/login/
POST: return token and username after successful login
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
"""post data"""
# pylint: disable=no-member
serializer = self.serializer_class(
data=request.data, context={"request": request}
user = serializer.validated_data["user"]
token, _ = Token.objects.get_or_create(user=user)
print(f"returning token for user with id {user.pk}")
return Response({"token": token.key, "user_id": user.pk})
class TaskApiView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/task/
GET: check if ongoing background task
POST: start a new background task
def get(request):
"""handle get request"""
response = {"rescan": False, "downloading": False}
for key in response.keys():
response[key] = RedisArchivist().is_locked(key)
return Response(response)
def post(self, request):
"""handle post request"""
data = request.data
response = TaskHandler(data).run_task()
return Response(response)
class CookieView(ApiBaseView):
"""resolves to /api/cookie/
GET: check if cookie is enabled
POST: verify validity of cookie
def get(request):
"""handle get request"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
config = AppConfig().config
cookie_enabled = config["downloads"]["cookie_import"]
return Response({"cookie_enabled": cookie_enabled})
def post(request):
"""handle post request"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
config = AppConfig().config
validated = CookieHandler(config).validate()
return Response({"cookie_validated": validated})