Merlin 5a5d47da9b
Refac react frontend (#790)
* Add channel config endpoint

* Add channel aggs

* Add playlist show subscribed only toggle

* Fix refresh always on filterbar toggle

* Add loadingindicator for watchstate change

* Fix missing space in scheduling

* Add schedule request and apprisenotifcation

* Refac upgrade TypeScript target to include 2024 for Object.groupBy

* WIP: Schedule page

* WIP: Schedule page

* Add schedule management ( - notification )

* Fix missing space

* Refac show current selection in input

* Add apprise notifictation url

* Add Stream & Shorts channel pages

* Refac autotarget input on search page

* Fix input requiring 1 instead of 0

* Fix remove unused function

* Chore: npm audit fix

* Refac get channel_overwrites from channelById

* Refac remove defaultvalues form select

* Fix delay content refresh to allow the backend to update subscribed state

* Fix styling selection

* Fix lint

* Fix spelling

* Fix remove unused import

* Chore: update all dependencies - React 19 & vite 6

* Add missing property to ValidatedCookieType

* Refac fix complaints about JSX.Element, used ReactNode instead

* Refac remove unused dependency

* Refac replace react-helmet with react 19 implementation

* Fix Application Settings page

* Chore update dependencies

* Add simple playlist autoplay feature

* Refac use server provided channel images path

* Refac use server provided playlistthumbnail images path

* Add save and restore video playback speed
2024-12-22 21:59:30 +07:00

26 lines
605 B

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"include": ["src"],
"references": [{ "path": "./tsconfig.node.json" }]