""" functionality: - handle yt_dlp - build options and post processor - download video files - move to archive """ import os import shutil from datetime import datetime from time import sleep import requests import yt_dlp from home.src.download.queue import PendingList from home.src.download.subscriptions import PlaylistSubscription from home.src.es.connect import IndexPaginate from home.src.index.channel import YoutubeChannel from home.src.index.playlist import YoutubePlaylist from home.src.index.video import YoutubeVideo, index_new_video from home.src.ta.config import AppConfig from home.src.ta.helper import clean_string, ignore_filelist from home.src.ta.ta_redis import RedisArchivist, RedisQueue class DownloadPostProcess: """handle task to run after download queue finishes""" def __init__(self, download): self.download = download self.now = int(datetime.now().strftime("%s")) self.pending = False def run(self): """run all functions""" self.pending = PendingList() self.pending.get_download() self.pending.get_channels() self.pending.get_indexed() self.auto_delete_all() self.auto_delete_overwrites() self.validate_playlists() def auto_delete_all(self): """handle auto delete""" autodelete_days = self.download.config["downloads"]["autodelete_days"] if not autodelete_days: return print(f"auto delete older than {autodelete_days} days") now_lte = self.now - autodelete_days * 24 * 60 * 60 data = { "query": {"range": {"player.watched_date": {"lte": now_lte}}}, "sort": [{"player.watched_date": {"order": "asc"}}], } self._auto_delete_watched(data) def auto_delete_overwrites(self): """handle per channel auto delete from overwrites""" for channel_id, value in self.pending.channel_overwrites.items(): if "autodelete_days" in value: autodelete_days = value.get("autodelete_days") print(f"{channel_id}: delete older than {autodelete_days}d") now_lte = self.now - autodelete_days * 24 * 60 * 60 must_list = [ {"range": {"player.watched_date": {"lte": now_lte}}}, {"term": {"channel.channel_id": {"value": channel_id}}}, ] data = { "query": {"bool": {"must": must_list}}, "sort": [{"player.watched_date": {"order": "desc"}}], } self._auto_delete_watched(data) @staticmethod def _auto_delete_watched(data): """delete watched videos after x days""" to_delete = IndexPaginate("ta_video", data).get_results() if not to_delete: return for video in to_delete: youtube_id = video["youtube_id"] print(f"{youtube_id}: auto delete video") YoutubeVideo(youtube_id).delete_media_file() print("add deleted to ignore list") vids = [{"type": "video", "url": i["youtube_id"]} for i in to_delete] pending = PendingList(youtube_ids=vids) pending.parse_url_list() pending.add_to_pending(status="ignore") def validate_playlists(self): """look for playlist needing to update""" for id_c, channel_id in enumerate(self.download.channels): playlists = YoutubeChannel(channel_id).get_indexed_playlists() all_channel_playlist = [i["playlist_id"] for i in playlists] self._validate_channel_playlist(all_channel_playlist, id_c) def _validate_channel_playlist(self, all_channel_playlist, id_c): """scan channel for playlist needing update""" all_youtube_ids = [i["youtube_id"] for i in self.pending.all_videos] for id_p, playlist_id in enumerate(all_channel_playlist): playlist = YoutubePlaylist(playlist_id) playlist.all_youtube_ids = all_youtube_ids playlist.build_json(scrape=True) if not playlist.json_data: playlist.deactivate() playlist.add_vids_to_playlist() playlist.upload_to_es() self._notify_playlist_progress(all_channel_playlist, id_c, id_p) def _notify_playlist_progress(self, all_channel_playlist, id_c, id_p): """notify to UI""" title = ( "Processing playlists for channels: " + f"{id_c + 1}/{len(self.download.channels)}" ) message = f"Progress: {id_p + 1}/{len(all_channel_playlist)}" mess_dict = { "status": "message:download", "level": "info", "title": title, "message": message, } if id_p + 1 == len(all_channel_playlist): RedisArchivist().set_message( "message:download", mess_dict, expire=4 ) else: RedisArchivist().set_message("message:download", mess_dict) class VideoDownloader: """ handle the video download functionality if not initiated with list, take from queue """ def __init__(self, youtube_id_list=False): self.obs = False self.video_overwrites = False self.youtube_id_list = youtube_id_list self.config = AppConfig().config self._build_obs() self.channels = set() def run_queue(self): """setup download queue in redis loop until no more items""" pending = PendingList() pending.get_download() pending.get_channels() self.video_overwrites = pending.video_overwrites queue = RedisQueue("dl_queue") limit_queue = self.config["downloads"]["limit_count"] if limit_queue: queue.trim(limit_queue - 1) while True: youtube_id = queue.get_next() if not youtube_id: break try: self._dl_single_vid(youtube_id) except yt_dlp.utils.DownloadError: print("failed to download " + youtube_id) continue vid_dict = index_new_video(youtube_id) self.channels.add(vid_dict["channel"]["channel_id"]) self.move_to_archive(vid_dict) self._delete_from_pending(youtube_id) # post processing self._add_subscribed_channels() DownloadPostProcess(self).run() @staticmethod def add_pending(): """add pending videos to download queue""" mess_dict = { "status": "message:download", "level": "info", "title": "Looking for videos to download", "message": "Scanning your download queue.", } RedisArchivist().set_message("message:download", mess_dict) pending = PendingList() pending.get_download() to_add = [i["youtube_id"] for i in pending.all_pending] if not to_add: # there is nothing pending print("download queue is empty") mess_dict = { "status": "message:download", "level": "error", "title": "Download queue is empty", "message": "Add some videos to the queue first.", } RedisArchivist().set_message("message:download", mess_dict) return queue = RedisQueue("dl_queue") queue.add_list(to_add) @staticmethod def _progress_hook(response): """process the progress_hooks from yt_dlp""" # title path = os.path.split(response["filename"])[-1][12:] filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(path)[0])[0] filename_clean = filename.replace("_", " ") title = "Downloading: " + filename_clean # message try: percent = response["_percent_str"] size = response["_total_bytes_str"] speed = response["_speed_str"] eta = response["_eta_str"] message = f"{percent} of {size} at {speed} - time left: {eta}" except KeyError: message = "processing" mess_dict = { "status": "message:download", "level": "info", "title": title, "message": message, } RedisArchivist().set_message("message:download", mess_dict) def _build_obs(self): """collection to build all obs passed to yt-dlp""" self._build_obs_basic() self._build_obs_user() self._build_obs_postprocessors() def _build_obs_basic(self): """initial obs""" self.obs = { "default_search": "ytsearch", "merge_output_format": "mp4", "restrictfilenames": True, "outtmpl": ( self.config["application"]["cache_dir"] + "/download/" + self.config["application"]["file_template"] ), "progress_hooks": [self._progress_hook], "noprogress": True, "quiet": True, "continuedl": True, "retries": 3, "writethumbnail": False, "noplaylist": True, "check_formats": "selected", } def _build_obs_user(self): """build user customized options""" if self.config["downloads"]["format"]: self.obs["format"] = self.config["downloads"]["format"] if self.config["downloads"]["limit_speed"]: self.obs["ratelimit"] = ( self.config["downloads"]["limit_speed"] * 1024 ) throttle = self.config["downloads"]["throttledratelimit"] if throttle: self.obs["throttledratelimit"] = throttle * 1024 def _build_obs_postprocessors(self): """add postprocessor to obs""" postprocessors = [] if self.config["downloads"]["add_metadata"]: postprocessors.append( { "key": "FFmpegMetadata", "add_chapters": True, "add_metadata": True, } ) if self.config["downloads"]["add_thumbnail"]: postprocessors.append( { "key": "EmbedThumbnail", "already_have_thumbnail": True, } ) self.obs["writethumbnail"] = True self.obs["postprocessors"] = postprocessors def get_format_overwrites(self, youtube_id): """get overwrites from single video""" overwrites = self.video_overwrites.get(youtube_id, False) if overwrites: return overwrites.get("download_format", False) return False def _dl_single_vid(self, youtube_id): """download single video""" obs = self.obs.copy() format_overwrite = self.get_format_overwrites(youtube_id) if format_overwrite: obs["format"] = format_overwrite dl_cache = self.config["application"]["cache_dir"] + "/download/" # check if already in cache to continue from there all_cached = ignore_filelist(os.listdir(dl_cache)) for file_name in all_cached: if youtube_id in file_name: obs["outtmpl"] = os.path.join(dl_cache, file_name) with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(obs) as ydl: try: ydl.download([youtube_id]) except yt_dlp.utils.DownloadError: print("retry failed download: " + youtube_id) sleep(10) ydl.download([youtube_id]) if self.obs["writethumbnail"]: # webp files don't get cleaned up automatically all_cached = ignore_filelist(os.listdir(dl_cache)) to_clean = [i for i in all_cached if not i.endswith(".mp4")] for file_name in to_clean: file_path = os.path.join(dl_cache, file_name) os.remove(file_path) def move_to_archive(self, vid_dict): """move downloaded video from cache to archive""" videos = self.config["application"]["videos"] host_uid = self.config["application"]["HOST_UID"] host_gid = self.config["application"]["HOST_GID"] channel_name = clean_string(vid_dict["channel"]["channel_name"]) if len(channel_name) <= 3: # fall back to channel id channel_name = vid_dict["channel"]["channel_id"] # make archive folder with correct permissions new_folder = os.path.join(videos, channel_name) if not os.path.exists(new_folder): os.makedirs(new_folder) if host_uid and host_gid: os.chown(new_folder, host_uid, host_gid) # find real filename cache_dir = self.config["application"]["cache_dir"] all_cached = ignore_filelist(os.listdir(cache_dir + "/download/")) for file_str in all_cached: if vid_dict["youtube_id"] in file_str: old_file = file_str old_file_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, "download", old_file) new_file_path = os.path.join(videos, vid_dict["media_url"]) # move media file and fix permission shutil.move(old_file_path, new_file_path) if host_uid and host_gid: os.chown(new_file_path, host_uid, host_gid) def _delete_from_pending(self, youtube_id): """delete downloaded video from pending index if its there""" es_url = self.config["application"]["es_url"] es_auth = self.config["application"]["es_auth"] url = f"{es_url}/ta_download/_doc/{youtube_id}" response = requests.delete(url, auth=es_auth) if not response.ok and not response.status_code == 404: print(response.text) def _add_subscribed_channels(self): """add all channels subscribed to refresh""" all_subscribed = PlaylistSubscription().get_playlists() if not all_subscribed: return channel_ids = [i["playlist_channel_id"] for i in all_subscribed] for channel_id in channel_ids: self.channels.add(channel_id) return