""" functionality: - wrapper around requests to call elastic search - reusable search_after to extract total index """ import json import requests from home.src.ta.config import AppConfig class ElasticWrap: """makes all calls to elastic search returns response json and status code tuple """ def __init__(self, path, config=False): self.url = False self.auth = False self.path = path self.config = config self._get_config() def _get_config(self): """add config if not passed""" if not self.config: self.config = AppConfig().config es_url = self.config["application"]["es_url"] self.auth = self.config["application"]["es_auth"] self.url = f"{es_url}/{self.path}" def get(self, data=False): """get data from es""" if data: response = requests.get(self.url, json=data, auth=self.auth) else: response = requests.get(self.url, auth=self.auth) if not response.ok: print(response.text) return response.json(), response.status_code def post(self, data=False, ndjson=False): """post data to es""" if ndjson: headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-ndjson"} payload = data else: headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"} payload = json.dumps(data) if data: response = requests.post( self.url, data=payload, headers=headers, auth=self.auth ) else: response = requests.post(self.url, headers=headers, auth=self.auth) if not response.ok: print(response.text) return response.json(), response.status_code def put(self, data, refresh=False): """put data to es""" if refresh: self.url = f"{self.url}/?refresh=true" response = requests.put(f"{self.url}", json=data, auth=self.auth) if not response.ok: print(response.text) print(data) raise ValueError("failed to add item to index") return response.json(), response.status_code def delete(self, data=False): """delete document from es""" if data: response = requests.delete(self.url, json=data, auth=self.auth) else: response = requests.delete(self.url, auth=self.auth) if not response.ok: print(response.text) return response.json(), response.status_code class IndexPaginate: """use search_after to go through whole index""" DEFAULT_SIZE = 500 def __init__(self, index_name, data, size=False, keep_source=False): self.index_name = index_name self.data = data self.pit_id = False self.size = size self.keep_source = keep_source def get_results(self): """get all results""" self.get_pit() self.validate_data() all_results = self.run_loop() self.clean_pit() return all_results def get_pit(self): """get pit for index""" path = f"{self.index_name}/_pit?keep_alive=10m" response, _ = ElasticWrap(path).post() self.pit_id = response["id"] def validate_data(self): """add pit and size to data""" if "sort" not in self.data.keys(): print(self.data) raise ValueError("missing sort key in data") size = self.size or self.DEFAULT_SIZE self.data["size"] = size self.data["pit"] = {"id": self.pit_id, "keep_alive": "10m"} def run_loop(self): """loop through results until last hit""" all_results = [] while True: response, _ = ElasticWrap("_search").get(data=self.data) all_hits = response["hits"]["hits"] if all_hits: for hit in all_hits: if self.keep_source: source = hit else: source = hit["_source"] search_after = hit["sort"] all_results.append(source) # update search_after with last hit data self.data["search_after"] = search_after else: break return all_results def clean_pit(self): """delete pit from elastic search""" data = {"id": self.pit_id} ElasticWrap("_pit").delete(data=data)