""" functionality: - get metadata from youtube for a channel - index and update in es """ import json import os import re from datetime import datetime import requests import yt_dlp from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from home.src.download.thumbnails import ThumbManager from home.src.es.connect import ElasticWrap, IndexPaginate from home.src.index.generic import YouTubeItem from home.src.index.playlist import YoutubePlaylist from home.src.ta.helper import clean_string class ChannelScraper: """custom scraper using bs4 to scrape channel about page will be able to be integrated into yt-dlp once #2237 and #2350 are merged upstream """ def __init__(self, channel_id): self.channel_id = channel_id self.soup = False self.yt_json = False self.json_data = False def get_json(self): """main method to return channel dict""" self.get_soup() self._extract_yt_json() self._parse_channel_main() self._parse_channel_meta() return self.json_data def get_soup(self): """return soup from youtube""" print(f"{self.channel_id}: scrape channel data from youtube") url = f"https://www.youtube.com/channel/{self.channel_id}/about?hl=en" cookies = {"CONSENT": "YES+xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"} response = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies) if response.ok: channel_page = response.text else: print(f"{self.channel_id}: failed to extract channel info") raise ConnectionError self.soup = BeautifulSoup(channel_page, "html.parser") def _extract_yt_json(self): """parse soup and get ytInitialData json""" all_scripts = self.soup.find("body").find_all("script") for script in all_scripts: if "var ytInitialData = " in str(script): script_content = str(script) break # extract payload script_content = script_content.split("var ytInitialData = ")[1] json_raw = script_content.rstrip(";") self.yt_json = json.loads(json_raw) def _parse_channel_main(self): """extract maintab values from scraped channel json data""" main_tab = self.yt_json["header"]["c4TabbedHeaderRenderer"] # build and return dict self.json_data = { "channel_active": True, "channel_last_refresh": int(datetime.now().strftime("%s")), "channel_subs": self._get_channel_subs(main_tab), "channel_name": main_tab["title"], "channel_banner_url": self._get_thumbnails(main_tab, "banner"), "channel_tvart_url": self._get_thumbnails(main_tab, "tvBanner"), "channel_id": self.channel_id, "channel_subscribed": False, } @staticmethod def _get_thumbnails(main_tab, thumb_name): """extract banner url from main_tab""" try: all_banners = main_tab[thumb_name]["thumbnails"] banner = sorted(all_banners, key=lambda k: k["width"])[-1]["url"] except KeyError: banner = False return banner @staticmethod def _get_channel_subs(main_tab): """process main_tab to get channel subs as int""" try: sub_text_simple = main_tab["subscriberCountText"]["simpleText"] sub_text = sub_text_simple.split(" ")[0] if sub_text[-1] == "K": channel_subs = int(float(sub_text.replace("K", "")) * 1000) elif sub_text[-1] == "M": channel_subs = int(float(sub_text.replace("M", "")) * 1000000) elif int(sub_text) >= 0: channel_subs = int(sub_text) else: message = f"{sub_text} not dealt with" print(message) except KeyError: channel_subs = 0 return channel_subs def _parse_channel_meta(self): """extract meta tab values from channel payload""" # meta tab meta_tab = self.yt_json["metadata"]["channelMetadataRenderer"] all_thumbs = meta_tab["avatar"]["thumbnails"] thumb_url = sorted(all_thumbs, key=lambda k: k["width"])[-1]["url"] # stats tab renderer = "twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer" all_tabs = self.yt_json["contents"][renderer]["tabs"] for tab in all_tabs: if "tabRenderer" in tab.keys(): if tab["tabRenderer"]["title"] == "About": about_tab = tab["tabRenderer"]["content"][ "sectionListRenderer" ]["contents"][0]["itemSectionRenderer"]["contents"][0][ "channelAboutFullMetadataRenderer" ] break try: channel_views_text = about_tab["viewCountText"]["simpleText"] channel_views = int(re.sub(r"\D", "", channel_views_text)) except KeyError: channel_views = 0 self.json_data.update( { "channel_description": meta_tab["description"], "channel_thumb_url": thumb_url, "channel_views": channel_views, } ) class YoutubeChannel(YouTubeItem): """represents a single youtube channel""" es_path = False index_name = "ta_channel" yt_base = "https://www.youtube.com/channel/" def __init__(self, youtube_id): super().__init__(youtube_id) self.es_path = f"{self.index_name}/_doc/{youtube_id}" def build_json(self, upload=False): """get from es or from youtube""" self.get_from_es() if self.json_data: return self.get_from_youtube() if upload: self.upload_to_es() return def get_from_youtube(self): """use bs4 to scrape channel about page""" self.json_data = ChannelScraper(self.youtube_id).get_json() self.get_channel_art() def get_channel_art(self): """download channel art for new channels""" channel_id = self.youtube_id channel_thumb = self.json_data["channel_thumb_url"] channel_banner = self.json_data["channel_banner_url"] ThumbManager().download_chan( [(channel_id, channel_thumb, channel_banner)] ) def sync_to_videos(self): """sync new channel_dict to all videos of channel""" # add ingest pipeline processors = [] for field, value in self.json_data.items(): line = {"set": {"field": "channel." + field, "value": value}} processors.append(line) data = {"description": self.youtube_id, "processors": processors} ingest_path = f"_ingest/pipeline/{self.youtube_id}" _, _ = ElasticWrap(ingest_path).put(data) # apply pipeline data = {"query": {"match": {"channel.channel_id": self.youtube_id}}} update_path = f"ta_video/_update_by_query?pipeline={self.youtube_id}" _, _ = ElasticWrap(update_path).post(data) def get_folder_path(self): """get folder where media files get stored""" channel_name = self.json_data["channel_name"] folder_name = clean_string(channel_name) if len(folder_name) <= 3: # fall back to channel id folder_name = self.json_data["channel_id"] folder_path = os.path.join(self.app_conf["videos"], folder_name) return folder_path def delete_es_videos(self): """delete all channel documents from elasticsearch""" data = { "query": { "term": {"channel.channel_id": {"value": self.youtube_id}} } } _, _ = ElasticWrap("ta_video/_delete_by_query").post(data) def delete_playlists(self): """delete all indexed playlist from es""" all_playlists = self.get_indexed_playlists() for playlist in all_playlists: playlist_id = playlist["playlist_id"] YoutubePlaylist(playlist_id).delete_metadata() def delete_channel(self): """delete channel and all videos""" print(f"{self.youtube_id}: delete channel") self.get_from_es() folder_path = self.get_folder_path() print(f"{self.youtube_id}: delete all media files") try: all_videos = os.listdir(folder_path) for video in all_videos: video_path = os.path.join(folder_path, video) os.remove(video_path) os.rmdir(folder_path) except FileNotFoundError: print(f"no videos found for {folder_path}") print(f"{self.youtube_id}: delete indexed playlists") self.delete_playlists() print(f"{self.youtube_id}: delete indexed videos") self.delete_es_videos() self.del_in_es() def get_all_playlists(self): """get all playlists owned by this channel""" url = ( f"https://www.youtube.com/channel/{self.youtube_id}" + "/playlists?view=1&sort=dd&shelf_id=0" ) obs = { "quiet": True, "skip_download": True, "extract_flat": True, } playlists = yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(obs).extract_info(url) all_entries = [(i["id"], i["title"]) for i in playlists["entries"]] return all_entries def get_indexed_playlists(self): """get all indexed playlists from channel""" data = { "query": { "term": {"playlist_channel_id": {"value": self.youtube_id}} }, "sort": [{"playlist_channel.keyword": {"order": "desc"}}], } all_playlists = IndexPaginate("ta_playlist", data).get_results() return all_playlists def get_overwrites(self): """get all per channel overwrites""" return self.json_data.get("channel_overwrites", False) def set_overwrites(self, overwrites): """set per channel overwrites""" valid_keys = ["download_format", "autodelete_days"] to_write = self.json_data.get("channel_overwrites", {}) for key, value in overwrites.items(): if key not in valid_keys: raise ValueError(f"invalid overwrite key: {key}") if value in [0, "0"]: del to_write[key] continue if value == "1": to_write[key] = True continue if value: to_write.update({key: value}) self.json_data["channel_overwrites"] = to_write def channel_overwrites(channel_id, overwrites): """collection to overwrite settings per channel""" channel = YoutubeChannel(channel_id) channel.build_json() channel.set_overwrites(overwrites) channel.upload_to_es() channel.sync_to_videos()