""" functionality: - handle download and caching for thumbnails - check for missing thumbnails """ import base64 import os from collections import Counter from io import BytesIO from time import sleep import requests from home.src.download import queue # partial import from home.src.download import subscriptions # partial import from home.src.ta.config import AppConfig from home.src.ta.helper import ignore_filelist from home.src.ta.ta_redis import RedisArchivist from mutagen.mp4 import MP4, MP4Cover from PIL import Image, ImageFile, ImageFilter ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True class ThumbManager: """handle thumbnails related functions""" CONFIG = AppConfig().config MEDIA_DIR = CONFIG["application"]["videos"] CACHE_DIR = CONFIG["application"]["cache_dir"] VIDEO_DIR = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "videos") CHANNEL_DIR = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "channels") PLAYLIST_DIR = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "playlists") def get_all_thumbs(self): """get all video artwork already downloaded""" all_thumb_folders = ignore_filelist(os.listdir(self.VIDEO_DIR)) all_thumbs = [] for folder in all_thumb_folders: folder_path = os.path.join(self.VIDEO_DIR, folder) if os.path.isfile(folder_path): self.update_path(folder) all_thumbs.append(folder_path) continue # raise exemption here in a future version # raise FileExistsError("video cache dir has files inside") all_folder_thumbs = ignore_filelist(os.listdir(folder_path)) all_thumbs.extend(all_folder_thumbs) return all_thumbs def update_path(self, file_name): """reorganize thumbnails into folders as update path from v0.0.5""" folder_name = file_name[0].lower() folder_path = os.path.join(self.VIDEO_DIR, folder_name) old_file = os.path.join(self.VIDEO_DIR, file_name) new_file = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name) os.makedirs(folder_path, exist_ok=True) os.rename(old_file, new_file) def get_needed_thumbs(self, missing_only=False): """get a list of all missing thumbnails""" all_thumbs = self.get_all_thumbs() pending = queue.PendingList() pending.get_download() pending.get_indexed() needed_thumbs = [] for video in pending.all_videos: youtube_id = video["youtube_id"] thumb_url = video["vid_thumb_url"] if missing_only: if youtube_id + ".jpg" not in all_thumbs: needed_thumbs.append((youtube_id, thumb_url)) else: needed_thumbs.append((youtube_id, thumb_url)) for video in pending.all_pending + pending.all_ignored: youtube_id = video["youtube_id"] thumb_url = video["vid_thumb_url"] if missing_only: if youtube_id + ".jpg" not in all_thumbs: needed_thumbs.append((youtube_id, thumb_url)) else: needed_thumbs.append((youtube_id, thumb_url)) return needed_thumbs def get_missing_channels(self): """get all channel artwork""" all_channel_art = os.listdir(self.CHANNEL_DIR) files = [i[0:24] for i in all_channel_art] cached_channel_ids = [k for (k, v) in Counter(files).items() if v > 1] channel_sub = subscriptions.ChannelSubscription() channels = channel_sub.get_channels(subscribed_only=False) missing_channels = [] for channel in channels: channel_id = channel["channel_id"] if channel_id not in cached_channel_ids: channel_banner = channel["channel_banner_url"] channel_thumb = channel["channel_thumb_url"] missing_channels.append( (channel_id, channel_thumb, channel_banner) ) return missing_channels def get_missing_playlists(self): """get all missing playlist artwork""" all_downloaded = ignore_filelist(os.listdir(self.PLAYLIST_DIR)) all_ids_downloaded = [i.replace(".jpg", "") for i in all_downloaded] playlist_sub = subscriptions.PlaylistSubscription() playlists = playlist_sub.get_playlists(subscribed_only=False) missing_playlists = [] for playlist in playlists: playlist_id = playlist["playlist_id"] if playlist_id not in all_ids_downloaded: playlist_thumb = playlist["playlist_thumbnail"] missing_playlists.append((playlist_id, playlist_thumb)) return missing_playlists def get_raw_img(self, img_url, thumb_type): """get raw image from youtube and handle 404""" try: app_root = self.CONFIG["application"]["app_root"] except KeyError: # lazy keyerror fix to not have to deal with a strange startup # racing contition between the threads in HomeConfig.ready() app_root = "/app" default_map = { "video": os.path.join( app_root, "static/img/default-video-thumb.jpg" ), "icon": os.path.join( app_root, "static/img/default-channel-icon.jpg" ), "banner": os.path.join( app_root, "static/img/default-channel-banner.jpg" ), } if img_url: try: response = requests.get(img_url, stream=True) except ConnectionError: sleep(5) response = requests.get(img_url, stream=True) if not response.ok and not response.status_code == 404: print("retry thumbnail download for " + img_url) sleep(5) response = requests.get(img_url, stream=True) else: response = False if not response or response.status_code == 404: # use default img_raw = Image.open(default_map[thumb_type]) else: # use response img_obj = response.raw img_raw = Image.open(img_obj) return img_raw def download_vid(self, missing_thumbs, notify=True): """download all missing thumbnails from list""" print(f"downloading {len(missing_thumbs)} thumbnails") for idx, (youtube_id, thumb_url) in enumerate(missing_thumbs): folder_path = os.path.join(self.VIDEO_DIR, youtube_id[0].lower()) thumb_path = os.path.join( self.CACHE_DIR, self.vid_thumb_path(youtube_id) ) os.makedirs(folder_path, exist_ok=True) img_raw = self.get_raw_img(thumb_url, "video") width, height = img_raw.size if not width / height == 16 / 9: new_height = width / 16 * 9 offset = (height - new_height) / 2 img_raw = img_raw.crop((0, offset, width, height - offset)) img_raw.convert("RGB").save(thumb_path) progress = f"{idx + 1}/{len(missing_thumbs)}" if notify: mess_dict = { "status": "message:add", "level": "info", "title": "Processing Videos", "message": "Downloading Thumbnails, Progress: " + progress, } if idx + 1 == len(missing_thumbs): RedisArchivist().set_message( "message:add", mess_dict, expire=4 ) else: RedisArchivist().set_message("message:add", mess_dict) if idx + 1 % 25 == 0: print("thumbnail progress: " + progress) def download_chan(self, missing_channels): """download needed artwork for channels""" print(f"downloading {len(missing_channels)} channel artwork") for channel in missing_channels: channel_id, channel_thumb, channel_banner = channel thumb_path = os.path.join( self.CHANNEL_DIR, channel_id + "_thumb.jpg" ) img_raw = self.get_raw_img(channel_thumb, "icon") img_raw.convert("RGB").save(thumb_path) banner_path = os.path.join( self.CHANNEL_DIR, channel_id + "_banner.jpg" ) img_raw = self.get_raw_img(channel_banner, "banner") img_raw.convert("RGB").save(banner_path) mess_dict = { "status": "message:download", "level": "info", "title": "Processing Channels", "message": "Downloading Channel Art.", } RedisArchivist().set_message("message:download", mess_dict) def download_playlist(self, missing_playlists): """download needed artwork for playlists""" print(f"downloading {len(missing_playlists)} playlist artwork") for playlist in missing_playlists: playlist_id, playlist_thumb_url = playlist thumb_path = os.path.join(self.PLAYLIST_DIR, playlist_id + ".jpg") img_raw = self.get_raw_img(playlist_thumb_url, "video") img_raw.convert("RGB").save(thumb_path) mess_dict = { "status": "message:download", "level": "info", "title": "Processing Playlists", "message": "Downloading Playlist Art.", } RedisArchivist().set_message("message:download", mess_dict) def get_base64_blur(self, youtube_id): """return base64 encoded placeholder""" img_path = self.vid_thumb_path(youtube_id) file_path = os.path.join(self.CACHE_DIR, img_path) img_raw = Image.open(file_path) img_raw.thumbnail((img_raw.width // 20, img_raw.height // 20)) img_blur = img_raw.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR) buffer = BytesIO() img_blur.save(buffer, format="JPEG") img_data = buffer.getvalue() img_base64 = base64.b64encode(img_data).decode() data_url = f"data:image/jpg;base64,{img_base64}" return data_url @staticmethod def vid_thumb_path(youtube_id): """build expected path for video thumbnail from youtube_id""" folder_name = youtube_id[0].lower() folder_path = os.path.join("videos", folder_name) thumb_path = os.path.join(folder_path, youtube_id + ".jpg") return thumb_path def delete_vid_thumb(self, youtube_id): """delete video thumbnail if exists""" thumb_path = self.vid_thumb_path(youtube_id) to_delete = os.path.join(self.CACHE_DIR, thumb_path) if os.path.exists(to_delete): os.remove(to_delete) def delete_chan_thumb(self, channel_id): """delete all artwork of channel""" thumb = os.path.join(self.CHANNEL_DIR, channel_id + "_thumb.jpg") banner = os.path.join(self.CHANNEL_DIR, channel_id + "_banner.jpg") if os.path.exists(thumb): os.remove(thumb) if os.path.exists(banner): os.remove(banner) def cleanup_downloaded(self): """find downloaded thumbnails without video indexed""" all_thumbs = self.get_all_thumbs() all_indexed = self.get_needed_thumbs() all_needed_thumbs = [i[0] + ".jpg" for i in all_indexed] for thumb in all_thumbs: if thumb not in all_needed_thumbs: # cleanup youtube_id = thumb.rstrip(".jpg") self.delete_vid_thumb(youtube_id) def get_thumb_list(self): """get list of mediafiles and matching thumbnails""" pending = queue.PendingList() pending.get_download() pending.get_indexed() video_list = [] for video in pending.all_videos: youtube_id = video["youtube_id"] media_url = os.path.join(self.MEDIA_DIR, video["media_url"]) thumb_path = os.path.join( self.CACHE_DIR, self.vid_thumb_path(youtube_id) ) video_list.append( { "media_url": media_url, "thumb_path": thumb_path, } ) return video_list @staticmethod def write_all_thumbs(video_list): """rewrite the thumbnail into media file""" counter = 1 for video in video_list: # loop through all videos media_url = video["media_url"] thumb_path = video["thumb_path"] mutagen_vid = MP4(media_url) with open(thumb_path, "rb") as f: mutagen_vid["covr"] = [ MP4Cover(f.read(), imageformat=MP4Cover.FORMAT_JPEG) ] mutagen_vid.save() if counter % 50 == 0: print(f"thumbnail write progress {counter}/{len(video_list)}") counter = counter + 1 def validate_thumbnails(): """check if all thumbnails are there and organized correctly""" handler = ThumbManager() thumbs_to_download = handler.get_needed_thumbs(missing_only=True) handler.download_vid(thumbs_to_download) missing_channels = handler.get_missing_channels() handler.download_chan(missing_channels) missing_playlists = handler.get_missing_playlists() handler.download_playlist(missing_playlists) handler.cleanup_downloaded()