{% extends "home/base_settings.html" %} {% load static %} {% block settings_content %}

Scheduler Setup

Schedule settings expect a cron like format, where the first value is minute, second is hour and third is day of the week.



{% csrf_token %}

Rescan Subscriptions

Current rescan schedule: {% if config.scheduler.update_subscribed %} {% for key, value in config.scheduler.update_subscribed.items %} {{ value }} {% endfor %} {% else %} False {% endif %}

Become a sponsor and join members.tubearchivist.com to get access to real time notifications for new videos uploaded by your favorite channels.

Periodically rescan your subscriptions:

{{ scheduler_form.update_subscribed }}

Send notification on task completed:

{% if config.scheduler.update_subscribed_notify %}

stored notification links

{{ config.scheduler.update_subscribed_notify|linebreaks }}

{% else %}

Current notification urls: {{ config.scheduler.update_subscribed_notify }}

{% endif %} {{ scheduler_form.update_subscribed_notify }}

Start Download

Current Download schedule: {% if config.scheduler.download_pending %} {% for key, value in config.scheduler.download_pending.items %} {{ value }} {% endfor %} {% else %} False {% endif %}

Automatic video download schedule:

{{ scheduler_form.download_pending }}

Send notification on task completed:

{% if config.scheduler.download_pending_notify %}

stored notification links

{{ config.scheduler.download_pending_notify|linebreaks }}

{% else %}

Current notification urls: {{ config.scheduler.download_pending_notify }}

{% endif %} {{ scheduler_form.download_pending_notify }}

Refresh Metadata

Current Metadata refresh schedule: {% if config.scheduler.check_reindex %} {% for key, value in config.scheduler.check_reindex.items %} {{ value }} {% endfor %} {% else %} False {% endif %}

Daily schedule to refresh metadata from YouTube:

{{ scheduler_form.check_reindex }}

Current refresh for metadata older than x days: {{ config.scheduler.check_reindex_days }}

Refresh older than x days, recommended 90:

{{ scheduler_form.check_reindex_days }}

Send notification on task completed:

{% if config.scheduler.check_reindex_notify %}

stored notification links

{{ config.scheduler.check_reindex_notify|linebreaks }}

{% else %}

Current notification urls: {{ config.scheduler.check_reindex_notify }}

{% endif %} {{ scheduler_form.check_reindex_notify }}

Thumbnail Check

Current thumbnail check schedule: {% if config.scheduler.thumbnail_check %} {% for key, value in config.scheduler.thumbnail_check.items %} {{ value }} {% endfor %} {% else %} False {% endif %}

Periodically check and cleanup thumbnails:

{{ scheduler_form.thumbnail_check }}

ZIP file index backup

Zip file backups are very slow for large archives and consistency is not guaranteed, use snapshots instead. Make sure no other tasks are running when creating a Zip file backup.

Current index backup schedule: {% if config.scheduler.run_backup %} {% for key, value in config.scheduler.run_backup.items %} {{ value }} {% endfor %} {% else %} False {% endif %}

Automatically backup metadata to a zip file:

{{ scheduler_form.run_backup }}

Current backup files to keep: {{ config.scheduler.run_backup_rotate }}

Max auto backups to keep:

{{ scheduler_form.run_backup_rotate }}
{% endblock settings_content %}