#!/bin/bash # deploy all needed project files to different servers: # test for local vm for testing # blackhole for local production # docker to publish set -e function sync_blackhole { # docker commands need sudo host="blackhole.local" read -sp 'Password: ' remote_pw export PASS=$remote_pw rsync -a --progress --delete-after \ --exclude "**/cache" \ --exclude "**/__pycache__/" \ --exclude "db.sqlite3" \ . -e ssh "$host":tubearchivist echo "$PASS" | ssh "$host" 'sudo -S docker build -t bbilly1/tubearchivist:latest tubearchivist 2>/dev/null' echo "$PASS" | ssh "$host" 'sudo -S docker-compose up -d 2>/dev/null' } function sync_test { # docker commands don't need sudo in testing vm host="tubearchivist.local" rsync -a --progress --delete-after \ --exclude "**/cache" \ --exclude "**/__pycache__/" \ --exclude "db.sqlite3" \ . -e ssh "$host":tubearchivist rsync -r --progress --delete docker-compose.yml -e ssh "$host":docker ssh "$host" 'docker build -t bbilly1/tubearchivist:latest tubearchivist' ssh "$host" 'docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d' } function sync_docker { if [[ $(systemctl is-active docker) != 'active' ]]; then echo "starting docker" sudo systemctl start docker fi sudo docker build -t bbilly1/tubearchivist:latest . sudo docker push bbilly1/tubearchivist:latest } if [[ $1 == "blackhole" ]]; then sync_blackhole elif [[ $1 == "test" ]]; then sync_test elif [[ $1 == "docker" ]]; then sync_docker else echo "valid options are: blackhole | test | docker" fi ## exit 0