""" Functionality: - initiate celery app - collect tasks - user config changes won't get applied here because tasks are initiated at application start """ import os import home.apps as startup_apps from celery import Celery, shared_task from home.src.download.queue import PendingList from home.src.download.subscriptions import ( ChannelSubscription, PlaylistSubscription, ) from home.src.download.thumbnails import ThumbManager, validate_thumbnails from home.src.download.yt_dlp_handler import VideoDownloader from home.src.es.index_setup import backup_all_indexes, restore_from_backup from home.src.index.channel import YoutubeChannel from home.src.index.filesystem import ( ManualImport, reindex_old_documents, scan_filesystem, ) from home.src.index.playlist import YoutubePlaylist from home.src.ta.config import AppConfig, ScheduleBuilder from home.src.ta.helper import UrlListParser from home.src.ta.ta_redis import RedisArchivist, RedisQueue CONFIG = AppConfig().config REDIS_HOST = os.environ.get("REDIS_HOST") REDIS_PORT = os.environ.get("REDIS_PORT") or 6379 os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "config.settings") app = Celery("tasks", broker=f"redis://{REDIS_HOST}:{REDIS_PORT}") app.config_from_object("django.conf:settings", namespace="ta:") app.autodiscover_tasks() app.conf.timezone = os.environ.get("TZ") or "UTC" @shared_task(name="update_subscribed") def update_subscribed(): """look for missing videos and add to pending""" message = { "status": "message:rescan", "level": "info", "title": "Rescanning channels and playlists.", "message": "Looking for new videos.", } RedisArchivist().set_message("message:rescan", message) have_lock = False my_lock = RedisArchivist().get_lock("rescan") try: have_lock = my_lock.acquire(blocking=False) if have_lock: channel_handler = ChannelSubscription() missing_from_channels = channel_handler.find_missing() playlist_handler = PlaylistSubscription() missing_from_playlists = playlist_handler.find_missing() missing = missing_from_channels + missing_from_playlists if missing: youtube_ids = [ {"type": "video", "url": i["youtube_id"]} for i in missing ] pending_handler = PendingList(youtube_ids=youtube_ids) pending_handler.parse_url_list() pending_handler.add_to_pending() else: print("Did not acquire rescan lock.") finally: if have_lock: my_lock.release() @shared_task(name="download_pending") def download_pending(): """download latest pending videos""" have_lock = False my_lock = RedisArchivist().get_lock("downloading") try: have_lock = my_lock.acquire(blocking=False) if have_lock: downloader = VideoDownloader() downloader.add_pending() downloader.run_queue() downloader.validate_playlists() else: print("Did not acquire download lock.") finally: if have_lock: my_lock.release() @shared_task def download_single(youtube_id): """start download single video now""" queue = RedisQueue("dl_queue") queue.add_priority(youtube_id) print("Added to queue with priority: " + youtube_id) # start queue if needed have_lock = False my_lock = RedisArchivist().get_lock("downloading") try: have_lock = my_lock.acquire(blocking=False) if have_lock: mess_dict = { "status": "message:download", "level": "info", "title": "Download single video", "message": "processing", } RedisArchivist().set_message("message:download", mess_dict) VideoDownloader().run_queue() else: print("Download queue already running.") finally: # release if only single run if have_lock and not queue.get_next(): my_lock.release() @shared_task def extrac_dl(youtube_ids): """parse list passed and add to pending""" pending_handler = PendingList(youtube_ids=youtube_ids) pending_handler.parse_url_list() pending_handler.add_to_pending() @shared_task(name="check_reindex") def check_reindex(): """run the reindex main command""" reindex_old_documents() @shared_task def run_manual_import(): """called from settings page, to go through import folder""" print("starting media file import") have_lock = False my_lock = RedisArchivist().get_lock("manual_import") try: have_lock = my_lock.acquire(blocking=False) if have_lock: import_handler = ManualImport() if import_handler.identified: all_videos_added = import_handler.process_import() ThumbManager().download_vid(all_videos_added) else: print("Did not acquire lock form import.") finally: if have_lock: my_lock.release() @shared_task(name="run_backup") def run_backup(reason="auto"): """called from settings page, dump backup to zip file""" backup_all_indexes(reason) print("backup finished") @shared_task def run_restore_backup(filename): """called from settings page, dump backup to zip file""" restore_from_backup(filename) print("index restore finished") def kill_dl(task_id): """kill download worker task by ID""" if task_id: app.control.revoke(task_id, terminate=True) _ = RedisArchivist().del_message("dl_queue_id") RedisQueue("dl_queue").clear() # clear cache cache_dir = os.path.join(CONFIG["application"]["cache_dir"], "download") for cached in os.listdir(cache_dir): to_delete = os.path.join(cache_dir, cached) os.remove(to_delete) # notify mess_dict = { "status": "message:download", "level": "error", "title": "Canceling download process", "message": "Canceling download queue now.", } RedisArchivist().set_message("message:download", mess_dict) @shared_task def rescan_filesystem(): """check the media folder for mismatches""" scan_filesystem() validate_thumbnails() @shared_task(name="thumbnail_check") def thumbnail_check(): """validate thumbnails""" validate_thumbnails() @shared_task def re_sync_thumbs(): """sync thumbnails to mediafiles""" handler = ThumbManager() video_list = handler.get_thumb_list() handler.write_all_thumbs(video_list) @shared_task def subscribe_to(url_str): """take a list of urls to subscribe to""" to_subscribe_list = UrlListParser(url_str).process_list() counter = 1 for item in to_subscribe_list: to_sub_id = item["url"] if item["type"] == "playlist": new_thumbs = PlaylistSubscription().process_url_str([item]) if new_thumbs: ThumbManager().download_playlist(new_thumbs) continue if item["type"] == "video": vid_details = PendingList().get_youtube_details(to_sub_id) channel_id_sub = vid_details["channel_id"] elif item["type"] == "channel": channel_id_sub = to_sub_id else: raise ValueError("failed to subscribe to: " + to_sub_id) ChannelSubscription().change_subscribe( channel_id_sub, channel_subscribed=True ) # notify for channels message = { "status": "message:subchannel", "level": "info", "title": "Subscribing to Channels", "message": f"Processing {counter} of {len(to_subscribe_list)}", } RedisArchivist().set_message("message:subchannel", message=message) counter = counter + 1 @shared_task def index_channel_playlists(channel_id): """add all playlists of channel to index""" channel = YoutubeChannel(channel_id) # notify mess_dict = { "status": "message:playlistscan", "level": "info", "title": "Looking for playlists", "message": f'Scanning channel "{channel.youtube_id}" in progress', } RedisArchivist().set_message("message:playlistscan", mess_dict) all_playlists = channel.get_all_playlists() if not all_playlists: print(f"no playlists found for channel {channel_id}") return handler = PendingList() handler.get_indexed() all_youtube_ids = [i["youtube_id"] for i in handler.all_videos] for idx, (playlist_id, playlist_title) in enumerate(all_playlists): # notify mess_dict = { "status": "message:playlistscan", "level": "info", "title": "Scanning channel for playlists", "message": f"Progress: {idx + 1}/{len(all_playlists)}", } RedisArchivist().set_message("message:playlistscan", mess_dict) print("add playlist: " + playlist_title) playlist = YoutubePlaylist(playlist_id) playlist.all_youtube_ids = all_youtube_ids playlist.build_json() if not playlist.json_data: # skip if not available continue # don't add if no videos downloaded downloaded = [ i for i in playlist.json_data["playlist_entries"] if i["downloaded"] ] if not downloaded: continue playlist.upload_to_es() playlist.add_vids_to_playlist() if all_playlists: playlist.get_playlist_art() return try: app.conf.beat_schedule = ScheduleBuilder().build_schedule() except KeyError: # update path from v0.0.8 to v0.0.9 to load new defaults startup_apps.sync_redis_state() app.conf.beat_schedule = ScheduleBuilder().build_schedule()