{% extends "home/base.html" %} {% load static %} {% load humanize %} {% block content %}

{{ playlist_info.playlist_name }}

{{ channel_info.channel_name }}

{% if channel_info.channel_subs >= 1000000 %} Subscribers: {{ channel_info.channel_subs|intword }} {% else %} Subscribers: {{ channel_info.channel_subs|intcomma }} {% endif %}

Last refreshed: {{ playlist_info.playlist_last_refresh }}

Playlist: {% if playlist_info.playlist_subscribed %} {% else %} {% endif %}

{% if playlist_info.playlist_active %}

Youtube: Active

{% else %}

Youtube: Deactivated

{% endif %}
Delete {{ playlist_info.playlist_name }}?
{% if max_hits %}

Total Videos archived: {{ max_hits }}/{{ playlist_info.playlist_entries|length }}


{% endif %} {% if reindex %}

Reindex scheduled

{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if playlist_info.playlist_description %}

{{ playlist_info.playlist_description|linebreaksbr|urlizetrunc:50 }}

{% endif %}
Hide watched videos:
{% if not hide_watched %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% if view_style == "grid" %}
{% if grid_items < 7 %} grid plus row {% endif %} {% if grid_items > 3 %} grid minus row {% endif %}
{% endif %} grid view list view
{% if results %} {% for video in results %}
video-thumb {% if video.source.player.progress %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if video.source.player.watched %} seen-icon {% else %} unseen-icon {% endif %} {{ video.source.published }} | {{ video.source.player.duration_str }}

{{ video.source.title }}

{% endfor %} {% else %}

No videos found...

Try going to the downloads page to start the scan and download tasks.

{% endif %}
{% endblock content %}