{% extends "home/base.html" %} {% block content %} {% load static %} {% load humanize %} {% load auth_extras %}
{% if video.sponsorblock.is_enabled %} {% if video.sponsorblock.segments|length == 0 %}

This video doesn't have any sponsor segments added. To add a segment go to this video on YouTube and add a segment using the SponsorBlock extension.

{% elif video.sponsorblock.has_unlocked %}

This video has unlocked sponsor segments. Go to this video on YouTube and vote on the segments using the SponsorBlock extension.

{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if cast %} {% endif %}

{{ video.title }}

{{ video.channel.channel_name }}

{% if video.channel.channel_subs >= 1000000 %}

Subscribers: {{ video.channel.channel_subs|intword }}

{% else %}

Subscribers: {{ video.channel.channel_subs|intcomma }}

{% endif %}

Published: {{ video.published }}

Last refreshed: {{ video.vid_last_refresh }}

Watched: {% if video.player.watched %} seen-icon {% else %} unseen-icon {% endif %}

{% if video.active %}

Youtube: Active

{% else %}

Youtube: Deactivated

{% endif %}

views: {{ video.stats.view_count|intcomma }}

{% if video.stats.dislike_count %}

thumbs-down: {{ video.stats.dislike_count|intcomma }}

{% endif %} {% if video.stats.average_rating %}
{% for star in video.stats.average_rating %} {{ star }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if reindex %}

Reindex scheduled

{% else %} {% if request.user|has_group:"admin" or request.user.is_staff %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if request.user|has_group:"admin" or request.user.is_staff %}
Are you sure?
{% endif %}
{% if video.media_size %}

File size: {{ video.media_size|filesizeformat }}

{% endif %} {% if video.streams %} {% for stream in video.streams %}

{{ stream.type|title }}: {{ stream.codec }} {{ stream.bitrate|filesizeformat }}/s{% if stream.width %} | {{ stream.width }}x{{ stream.height}}{% endif %}

{% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% if video.tags %}
{% for tag in video.tags %} {{ tag }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if video.description %}

{{ video.description|linebreaksbr|urlizetrunc:50 }}

{% endif %} {% if playlist_nav %} {% for playlist_item in playlist_nav %}

Playlist [{{ playlist_item.playlist_meta.current_idx|add:"1" }}]: {{ playlist_item.playlist_meta.playlist_name }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %}

Similar Videos

{% if video.comment_count == 0 %}
Video has no comments
{% elif video.comment_count %}

Comments: {{video.comment_count}}

{% endif %}
{% endblock content %}