""" Functionality: - handle download queue - linked with ta_dowload index """ import json from datetime import datetime import yt_dlp from home.src.download.subscriptions import ( ChannelSubscription, PlaylistSubscription, ) from home.src.download.thumbnails import ThumbManager from home.src.download.yt_cookie import CookieHandler from home.src.es.connect import ElasticWrap, IndexPaginate from home.src.index.playlist import YoutubePlaylist from home.src.ta.config import AppConfig from home.src.ta.helper import DurationConverter from home.src.ta.ta_redis import RedisArchivist class PendingIndex: """base class holding all export methods""" def __init__(self): self.all_pending = False self.all_ignored = False self.all_videos = False self.all_channels = False self.channel_overwrites = False self.video_overwrites = False self.to_skip = False def get_download(self): """get a list of all pending videos in ta_download""" data = { "query": {"match_all": {}}, "sort": [{"timestamp": {"order": "asc"}}], } all_results = IndexPaginate("ta_download", data).get_results() self.all_pending = [] self.all_ignored = [] self.to_skip = [] for result in all_results: self.to_skip.append(result["youtube_id"]) if result["status"] == "pending": self.all_pending.append(result) elif result["status"] == "ignore": self.all_ignored.append(result) def get_indexed(self): """get a list of all videos indexed""" data = { "query": {"match_all": {}}, "sort": [{"published": {"order": "desc"}}], } self.all_videos = IndexPaginate("ta_video", data).get_results() for video in self.all_videos: self.to_skip.append(video["youtube_id"]) def get_channels(self): """get a list of all channels indexed""" self.all_channels = [] self.channel_overwrites = {} data = { "query": {"match_all": {}}, "sort": [{"channel_id": {"order": "asc"}}], } channels = IndexPaginate("ta_channel", data).get_results() for channel in channels: channel_id = channel["channel_id"] self.all_channels.append(channel_id) if channel.get("channel_overwrites"): self.channel_overwrites.update( {channel_id: channel.get("channel_overwrites")} ) self._map_overwrites() def _map_overwrites(self): """map video ids to channel ids overwrites""" self.video_overwrites = {} for video in self.all_pending: video_id = video["youtube_id"] channel_id = video["channel_id"] overwrites = self.channel_overwrites.get(channel_id, False) if overwrites: self.video_overwrites.update({video_id: overwrites}) class PendingInteract: """interact with items in download queue""" def __init__(self, video_id=False, status=False): self.video_id = video_id self.status = status def delete_item(self): """delete single item from pending""" path = f"ta_download/_doc/{self.video_id}" _, _ = ElasticWrap(path).delete(refresh=True) def delete_by_status(self): """delete all matching item by status""" data = {"query": {"term": {"status": {"value": self.status}}}} path = "ta_download/_delete_by_query" _, _ = ElasticWrap(path).post(data=data) def update_status(self): """update status field of pending item""" data = {"doc": {"status": self.status}} path = f"ta_download/_update/{self.video_id}" _, _ = ElasticWrap(path).post(data=data) class PendingList(PendingIndex): """manage the pending videos list""" yt_obs = { "default_search": "ytsearch", "quiet": True, "check_formats": "selected", "noplaylist": True, "writethumbnail": True, "simulate": True, "socket_timeout": 3, } def __init__(self, youtube_ids=False): super().__init__() self.process_config() self.youtube_ids = youtube_ids self.to_skip = False self.missing_videos = False def process_config(self): """add user config to yt_obs""" config = AppConfig().config if config["downloads"]["cookie_import"]: cookie_path = CookieHandler().use() self.yt_obs.update({"cookiefile": cookie_path}) def parse_url_list(self): """extract youtube ids from list""" self.missing_videos = [] self.get_download() self.get_indexed() for entry in self.youtube_ids: # notify mess_dict = { "status": "message:add", "level": "info", "title": "Adding to download queue.", "message": "Extracting lists", } RedisArchivist().set_message("message:add", mess_dict) self._process_entry(entry) def _process_entry(self, entry): """process single entry from url list""" if entry["type"] == "video": self._add_video(entry["url"]) elif entry["type"] == "channel": self._parse_channel(entry["url"]) elif entry["type"] == "playlist": self._parse_playlist(entry["url"]) new_thumbs = PlaylistSubscription().process_url_str( [entry], subscribed=False ) ThumbManager().download_playlist(new_thumbs) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid url_type: {entry}") def _add_video(self, url): """add video to list""" if url not in self.missing_videos and url not in self.to_skip: self.missing_videos.append(url) def _parse_channel(self, url): """add all videos of channel to list""" video_results = ChannelSubscription().get_last_youtube_videos( url, limit=False ) youtube_ids = [i[0] for i in video_results] for video_id in youtube_ids: self._add_video(video_id) def _parse_playlist(self, url): """add all videos of playlist to list""" playlist = YoutubePlaylist(url) playlist.build_json() video_results = playlist.json_data.get("playlist_entries") youtube_ids = [i["youtube_id"] for i in video_results] for video_id in youtube_ids: self._add_video(video_id) def add_to_pending(self, status="pending"): """add missing videos to pending list""" self.get_channels() bulk_list = [] thumb_handler = ThumbManager() for idx, youtube_id in enumerate(self.missing_videos): video_details = self.get_youtube_details(youtube_id) if not video_details: continue video_details["status"] = status action = {"create": {"_id": youtube_id, "_index": "ta_download"}} bulk_list.append(json.dumps(action)) bulk_list.append(json.dumps(video_details)) thumb_needed = [(youtube_id, video_details["vid_thumb_url"])] thumb_handler.download_vid(thumb_needed) self._notify_add(idx) # add last newline bulk_list.append("\n") query_str = "\n".join(bulk_list) _, _ = ElasticWrap("_bulk").post(query_str, ndjson=True) def _notify_add(self, idx): """send notification for adding videos to download queue""" progress = f"{idx + 1}/{len(self.missing_videos)}" mess_dict = { "status": "message:add", "level": "info", "title": "Adding new videos to download queue.", "message": "Progress: " + progress, } if idx + 1 == len(self.missing_videos): RedisArchivist().set_message("message:add", mess_dict, expire=4) else: RedisArchivist().set_message("message:add", mess_dict) if idx + 1 % 25 == 0: print("adding to queue progress: " + progress) def get_youtube_details(self, youtube_id): """get details from youtubedl for single pending video""" try: vid = yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(self.yt_obs).extract_info(youtube_id) except yt_dlp.utils.DownloadError: print("failed to extract info for: " + youtube_id) return False # stop if video is streaming live now if vid["is_live"]: return False return self._parse_youtube_details(vid) def _parse_youtube_details(self, vid): """parse response""" vid_id = vid.get("id") duration_str = DurationConverter.get_str(vid["duration"]) if duration_str == "NA": print(f"skip extracting duration for: {vid_id}") published = datetime.strptime(vid["upload_date"], "%Y%m%d").strftime( "%Y-%m-%d" ) # build dict youtube_details = { "youtube_id": vid_id, "channel_name": vid["channel"], "vid_thumb_url": vid["thumbnail"], "title": vid["title"], "channel_id": vid["channel_id"], "channel_indexed": vid["channel_id"] in self.all_channels, "duration": duration_str, "published": published, "timestamp": int(datetime.now().strftime("%s")), } return youtube_details