""" Functionality: - all views for home app - holds base classes to inherit from """ import json import urllib.parse from time import sleep from django import forms from django.contrib.auth import login from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm from django.http import JsonResponse from django.shortcuts import redirect, render from django.views import View from home.src.es.index_setup import get_available_backups from home.src.frontend.api_calls import PostData from home.src.frontend.forms import ( AddToQueueForm, ApplicationSettingsForm, CustomAuthForm, MultiSearchForm, SchedulerSettingsForm, SubscribeToChannelForm, SubscribeToPlaylistForm, UserSettingsForm, ) from home.src.frontend.searching import SearchHandler from home.src.index.generic import Pagination from home.src.index.playlist import YoutubePlaylist from home.src.ta.config import AppConfig, ScheduleBuilder from home.src.ta.helper import UrlListParser from home.src.ta.ta_redis import RedisArchivist from home.tasks import extrac_dl, subscribe_to from rest_framework.authtoken.models import Token class ArchivistViewConfig(View): """base view class to generate initial config context""" def __init__(self, view_origin): super().__init__() self.view_origin = view_origin self.user_id = False self.user_conf = False self.default_conf = False self.context = False def _get_sort_by(self): """return sort_by config var""" messag_key = f"{self.user_id}:sort_by" sort_by = self.user_conf.get_message(messag_key)["status"] if not sort_by: sort_by = self.default_conf["archive"]["sort_by"] return sort_by def _get_sort_order(self): """return sort_order config var""" sort_order_key = f"{self.user_id}:sort_order" sort_order = self.user_conf.get_message(sort_order_key)["status"] if not sort_order: sort_order = self.default_conf["archive"]["sort_order"] return sort_order def _get_view_style(self): """return view_style config var""" view_key = f"{self.user_id}:view:{self.view_origin}" view_style = self.user_conf.get_message(view_key)["status"] if not view_style: view_style = self.default_conf["default_view"][self.view_origin] return view_style def get_all_view_styles(self): """get dict of all view stiles for search form""" all_keys = ["channel", "playlist", "home"] all_styles = {} for view_origin in all_keys: view_key = f"{self.user_id}:view:{view_origin}" view_style = self.user_conf.get_message(view_key)["status"] if not view_style: view_style = self.default_conf["default_view"][view_origin] all_styles[view_origin] = view_style return all_styles def _get_hide_watched(self): hide_watched_key = f"{self.user_id}:hide_watched" hide_watched = self.user_conf.get_message(hide_watched_key)["status"] return hide_watched def _get_show_ignore_only(self): ignored_key = f"{self.user_id}:show_ignored_only" show_ignored_only = self.user_conf.get_message(ignored_key)["status"] return show_ignored_only def _get_show_subed_only(self): sub_only_key = f"{self.user_id}:show_subed_only" show_subed_only = self.user_conf.get_message(sub_only_key)["status"] return show_subed_only def config_builder(self, user_id): """build default context for every view""" self.user_id = user_id self.user_conf = RedisArchivist() self.default_conf = AppConfig().config self.context = { "colors": self.default_conf["application"]["colors"], "cast": self.default_conf["application"]["enable_cast"], "sort_by": self._get_sort_by(), "sort_order": self._get_sort_order(), "view_style": self._get_view_style(), "hide_watched": self._get_hide_watched(), "show_ignored_only": self._get_show_ignore_only(), "show_subed_only": self._get_show_subed_only(), } class ArchivistResultsView(ArchivistViewConfig): """View class to inherit from when searching data in es""" view_origin = False es_search = False def __init__(self): super().__init__(self.view_origin) self.pagination_handler = False self.search_get = False self.data = False self.sort_by = False def _sort_by_overwrite(self): """overwrite sort by key to match with es keys""" sort_by_map = { "views": "stats.view_count", "likes": "stats.like_count", "downloaded": "date_downloaded", "published": "published", } sort_by = sort_by_map[self.context["sort_by"]] return sort_by @staticmethod def _url_encode(search_get): """url encode search form request""" if search_get: search_encoded = urllib.parse.quote(search_get) else: search_encoded = False return search_encoded def _initial_data(self): """add initial data dict""" sort_order = self.context["sort_order"] data = { "size": self.pagination_handler.pagination["page_size"], "from": self.pagination_handler.pagination["page_from"], "query": {"match_all": {}}, "sort": [{self.sort_by: {"order": sort_order}}], } self.data = data def match_progress(self): """add video progress to result context""" results = RedisArchivist().list_items(f"{self.user_id}:progress:") if not results or not self.context["results"]: return progress = {i["youtube_id"]: i["position"] for i in results} for hit in self.context["results"]: video = hit["source"] if video["youtube_id"] in progress: played_sec = progress.get(video["youtube_id"]) total = video["player"]["duration"] video["player"]["progress"] = 100 * (played_sec / total) def single_lookup(self, es_path): """retrieve a single item from url""" search = SearchHandler(es_path, config=self.default_conf) result = search.get_data()[0]["source"] return result def initiate_vars(self, request): """search in es for vidoe hits""" page_get = int(request.GET.get("page", 0)) self.user_id = request.user.id self.config_builder(self.user_id) self.search_get = request.GET.get("search", False) search_encoded = self._url_encode(self.search_get) self.pagination_handler = Pagination( page_get=page_get, user_id=self.user_id, search_get=search_encoded ) self.sort_by = self._sort_by_overwrite() self._initial_data() def find_results(self): """add results and pagination to context""" search = SearchHandler( self.es_search, config=self.default_conf, data=self.data ) self.context["results"] = search.get_data() self.pagination_handler.validate(search.max_hits) self.context["max_hits"] = search.max_hits self.context["pagination"] = self.pagination_handler.pagination class HomeView(ArchivistResultsView): """resolves to / handle home page and video search post functionality """ view_origin = "home" es_search = "ta_video/_search" def get(self, request): """handle get requests""" self.initiate_vars(request) self._update_view_data() self.find_results() self.match_progress() return render(request, "home/home.html", self.context) def _update_view_data(self): """update view specific data dict""" if self.context["hide_watched"]: self.data["query"] = {"term": {"player.watched": {"value": False}}} if self.search_get: del self.data["sort"] query = { "multi_match": { "query": self.search_get, "fields": ["title", "channel.channel_name", "tags"], "type": "cross_fields", "operator": "and", } } self.data["query"] = query class LoginView(View): """resolves to /login/ Greeting and login page """ SEC_IN_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24 @staticmethod def get(request): """handle get requests""" failed = bool(request.GET.get("failed")) colors = AppConfig(request.user.id).colors form = CustomAuthForm() context = {"colors": colors, "form": form, "form_error": failed} return render(request, "home/login.html", context) def post(self, request): """handle login post request""" form = AuthenticationForm(data=request.POST) if form.is_valid(): remember_me = request.POST.get("remember_me") or False if remember_me == "on": request.session.set_expiry(self.SEC_IN_DAY * 365) else: request.session.set_expiry(self.SEC_IN_DAY * 2) print(f"expire session in {request.session.get_expiry_age()} secs") next_url = request.POST.get("next") or "home" user = form.get_user() login(request, user) return redirect(next_url) return redirect("/login?failed=true") class AboutView(View): """resolves to /about/ show helpful how to information """ @staticmethod def get(request): """handle http get""" colors = AppConfig(request.user.id).colors context = {"title": "About", "colors": colors} return render(request, "home/about.html", context) class DownloadView(ArchivistResultsView): """resolves to /download/ takes POST for downloading youtube links """ view_origin = "downloads" es_search = "ta_download/_search" def get(self, request): """handle get request""" self.initiate_vars(request) self._update_view_data() self.find_results() self.context.update( { "title": "Downloads", "add_form": AddToQueueForm(), } ) return render(request, "home/downloads.html", self.context) def _update_view_data(self): """update downloads view specific data dict""" if self.context["show_ignored_only"]: filter_view = "ignore" else: filter_view = "pending" self.data.update( { "query": {"term": {"status": {"value": filter_view}}}, "sort": [{"timestamp": {"order": "asc"}}], } ) @staticmethod def post(request): """handle post requests""" to_queue = AddToQueueForm(data=request.POST) if to_queue.is_valid(): url_str = request.POST.get("vid_url") print(url_str) try: youtube_ids = UrlListParser(url_str).process_list() except ValueError: # failed to process print(f"failed to parse: {url_str}") mess_dict = { "status": "message:add", "level": "error", "title": "Failed to extract links.", "message": "Not a video, channel or playlist ID or URL", } RedisArchivist().set_message("message:add", mess_dict) return redirect("downloads") print(youtube_ids) extrac_dl.delay(youtube_ids) sleep(2) return redirect("downloads", permanent=True) class ChannelIdView(ArchivistResultsView): """resolves to /channel// display single channel page from channel_id """ view_origin = "home" es_search = "ta_video/_search" def get(self, request, channel_id): """get request""" self.initiate_vars(request) self._update_view_data(channel_id) self.find_results() self.match_progress() if self.context["results"]: channel_info = self.context["results"][0]["source"]["channel"] channel_name = channel_info["channel_name"] else: # fall back channel lookup if no videos found es_path = f"ta_channel/_doc/{channel_id}" channel_info = self.single_lookup(es_path) channel_name = channel_info["channel_name"] self.context.update( { "title": "Channel: " + channel_name, "channel_info": channel_info, } ) return render(request, "home/channel_id.html", self.context) def _update_view_data(self, channel_id): """update view specific data dict""" query = { "bool": { "must": [ {"term": {"channel.channel_id": {"value": channel_id}}} ] } } self.data["query"] = query if self.context["hide_watched"]: to_append = {"term": {"player.watched": {"value": False}}} self.data["query"]["bool"]["must"].append(to_append) class ChannelView(ArchivistResultsView): """resolves to /channel/ handle functionality for channel overview page, subscribe to channel, search as you type for channel name """ view_origin = "channel" es_search = "ta_channel/_search" def get(self, request): """handle get request""" self.initiate_vars(request) self._update_view_data() self.find_results() self.context.update( { "title": "Channels", "subscribe_form": SubscribeToChannelForm(), } ) return render(request, "home/channel.html", self.context) def _update_view_data(self): """update view data dict""" self.data["sort"] = [{"channel_name.keyword": {"order": "asc"}}] if self.context["show_subed_only"]: self.data["query"] = { "term": {"channel_subscribed": {"value": True}} } @staticmethod def post(request): """handle http post requests""" subscribe_form = SubscribeToChannelForm(data=request.POST) if subscribe_form.is_valid(): message = { "status": "message:subchannel", "level": "info", "title": "Subscribing to Channels", "message": "Parsing form data", } RedisArchivist().set_message("message:subchannel", message=message) url_str = request.POST.get("subscribe") print(url_str) subscribe_to.delay(url_str) sleep(1) return redirect("channel", permanent=True) class PlaylistIdView(ArchivistResultsView): """resolves to /playlist/ show all videos in a playlist """ view_origin = "home" es_search = "ta_video/_search" def get(self, request, playlist_id): """handle get request""" self.initiate_vars(request) playlist_info, channel_info = self._get_info(playlist_id) playlist_name = playlist_info["playlist_name"] self._update_view_data(playlist_id, playlist_info) self.find_results() self.match_progress() self.context.update( { "title": "Playlist: " + playlist_name, "playlist_info": playlist_info, "playlist_name": playlist_name, "channel_info": channel_info, } ) return render(request, "home/playlist_id.html", self.context) def _get_info(self, playlist_id): """return additional metadata""" # playlist details es_path = f"ta_playlist/_doc/{playlist_id}" playlist_info = self.single_lookup(es_path) # channel details channel_id = playlist_info["playlist_channel_id"] es_path = f"ta_channel/_doc/{channel_id}" channel_info = self.single_lookup(es_path) return playlist_info, channel_info def _update_view_data(self, playlist_id, playlist_info): """update view specific data dict""" sort = { i["youtube_id"]: i["idx"] for i in playlist_info["playlist_entries"] } script = ( "if(params.scores.containsKey(doc['youtube_id'].value)) " + "{return params.scores[doc['youtube_id'].value];} " + "return 100000;" ) self.data.update( { "query": { "bool": { "must": [{"match": {"playlist.keyword": playlist_id}}] } }, "sort": [ { "_script": { "type": "number", "script": { "lang": "painless", "source": script, "params": {"scores": sort}, }, "order": "asc", } } ], } ) if self.context["hide_watched"]: to_append = {"term": {"player.watched": {"value": False}}} self.data["query"]["bool"]["must"].append(to_append) class PlaylistView(ArchivistResultsView): """resolves to /playlist/ show all playlists indexed """ view_origin = "playlist" es_search = "ta_playlist/_search" def get(self, request): """handle get request""" self.initiate_vars(request) self._update_view_data() self.find_results() self.context.update( { "title": "Playlists", "subscribe_form": SubscribeToPlaylistForm(), } ) return render(request, "home/playlist.html", self.context) def _update_view_data(self): """update view specific data dict""" self.data["sort"] = [{"playlist_name.keyword": {"order": "asc"}}] if self.context["show_subed_only"]: self.data["query"] = { "term": {"playlist_subscribed": {"value": True}} } if self.search_get: self.data["query"] = { "bool": { "should": [ { "multi_match": { "query": self.search_get, "fields": [ "playlist_channel_id", "playlist_channel", "playlist_name", ], } } ], "minimum_should_match": 1, } } @staticmethod def post(request): """handle post from search form""" subscribe_form = SubscribeToPlaylistForm(data=request.POST) if subscribe_form.is_valid(): url_str = request.POST.get("subscribe") print(url_str) message = { "status": "message:subplaylist", "level": "info", "title": "Subscribing to Playlists", "message": "Parsing form data", } RedisArchivist().set_message( "message:subplaylist", message=message ) subscribe_to.delay(url_str) sleep(1) return redirect("playlist") class VideoView(View): """resolves to /video// display details about a single video """ def get(self, request, video_id): """get single video""" colors, cast = self.read_config(user_id=request.user.id) path = f"ta_video/_doc/{video_id}" look_up = SearchHandler(path, config=False) video_hit = look_up.get_data() video_data = video_hit[0]["source"] try: rating = video_data["stats"]["average_rating"] video_data["stats"]["average_rating"] = self.star_creator(rating) except KeyError: video_data["stats"]["average_rating"] = False if "playlist" in video_data.keys(): playlists = video_data["playlist"] playlist_nav = self.build_playlists(video_id, playlists) else: playlist_nav = False video_title = video_data["title"] context = { "video": video_data, "playlist_nav": playlist_nav, "title": video_title, "colors": colors, "cast": cast, } return render(request, "home/video.html", context) @staticmethod def build_playlists(video_id, playlists): """build playlist nav if available""" all_navs = [] for playlist_id in playlists: playlist = YoutubePlaylist(playlist_id) playlist.get_from_es() playlist.build_nav(video_id) if playlist.nav: all_navs.append(playlist.nav) return all_navs @staticmethod def read_config(user_id): """read config file""" config_handler = AppConfig(user_id) cast = config_handler.config["application"]["enable_cast"] colors = config_handler.colors return colors, cast @staticmethod def star_creator(rating): """convert rating float to stars""" if not rating: return False stars = [] for _ in range(1, 6): if rating >= 0.75: stars.append("full") elif 0.25 < rating < 0.75: stars.append("half") else: stars.append("empty") rating = rating - 1 return stars class SearchView(ArchivistResultsView): """resolves to /search/ handle cross index search interface """ view_origin = "home" es_search = False def get(self, request): """handle get request""" self.initiate_vars(request) all_styles = self.get_all_view_styles() self.context.update({"all_styles": all_styles}) self.context.update( {"search_form": MultiSearchForm(initial=all_styles)} ) return render(request, "home/search.html", self.context) class SettingsView(View): """resolves to /settings/ handle the settings page, display current settings, take post request from the form to update settings """ def get(self, request): """read and display current settings""" config_handler = AppConfig(request.user.id) colors = config_handler.colors available_backups = get_available_backups() user_form = UserSettingsForm() app_form = ApplicationSettingsForm() scheduler_form = SchedulerSettingsForm() token = self.get_token(request) context = { "title": "Settings", "config": config_handler.config, "api_token": token, "colors": colors, "available_backups": available_backups, "user_form": user_form, "app_form": app_form, "scheduler_form": scheduler_form, } return render(request, "home/settings.html", context) @staticmethod def get_token(request): """get existing or create new token of user""" # pylint: disable=no-member token = Token.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user)[0] return token @staticmethod def post(request): """handle form post to update settings""" form_response = forms.Form(request.POST) if form_response.is_valid(): form_post = dict(request.POST) print(form_post) del form_post["csrfmiddlewaretoken"] config_handler = AppConfig() if "application-settings" in form_post: del form_post["application-settings"] config_handler.update_config(form_post) elif "user-settings" in form_post: del form_post["user-settings"] config_handler.set_user_config(form_post, request.user.id) elif "scheduler-settings" in form_post: del form_post["scheduler-settings"] print(form_post) ScheduleBuilder().update_schedule_conf(form_post) sleep(1) return redirect("settings", permanent=True) def progress(request): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """resolves to /progress/ return list of messages for frontend """ all_messages = RedisArchivist().get_progress() json_data = {"messages": all_messages} return JsonResponse(json_data) def process(request): """handle all the buttons calls via POST ajax""" if request.method == "POST": current_user = request.user.id post_dict = json.loads(request.body.decode()) if post_dict.get("reset-token"): print("revoke API token") request.user.auth_token.delete() return JsonResponse({"success": True}) post_handler = PostData(post_dict, current_user) if post_handler.to_exec: task_result = post_handler.run_task() return JsonResponse(task_result) return JsonResponse({"success": False})