
160 lines
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2021-09-05 17:10:14 +00:00
Loose collection of helper functions
- don't import AppConfig class here to avoid circular imports
import json
import os
import re
import string
import subprocess
import unicodedata
import requests
import redis
REDIS_HOST = os.environ.get('REDIS_HOST')
def get_total_hits(index, es_url, match_field):
""" get total hits from index """
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
data = {"query": {"match": {match_field: True}}}
payload = json.dumps(data)
url = f'{es_url}/{index}/_search?'
request =, data=payload, headers=headers)
if not request.ok:
total_json = json.loads(request.text)
total_hits = total_json['hits']['total']['value']
return total_hits
def clean_string(file_name):
""" clean string to only asci characters """
whitelist = "-_.() " + string.ascii_letters + string.digits
normalized = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', file_name)
ascii_only = normalized.encode('ASCII', 'ignore').decode().strip()
white_listed = ''.join(c for c in ascii_only if c in whitelist)
cleaned = re.sub(r'[ ]{2,}', ' ', white_listed)
return cleaned
def process_url_list(url_str):
""" parse url_list to find valid youtube video or channel ids """
2021-09-10 08:07:38 +00:00
to_replace = ['watch?v=', 'playlist?list=']
2021-09-05 17:10:14 +00:00
url_list = re.split('\n+', url_str[0])
youtube_ids = []
for url in url_list:
url_clean = url.strip().strip('/').split('/')[-1]
2021-09-10 08:07:38 +00:00
for i in to_replace:
url_clean = url_clean.replace(i, '')
2021-09-05 17:10:14 +00:00
url_no_param = url_clean.split('&')[0]
str_len = len(url_no_param)
if str_len == 11:
link_type = 'video'
elif str_len == 24:
link_type = 'channel'
2021-09-10 08:07:38 +00:00
elif str_len == 34:
link_type = 'playlist'
# unable to parse
raise ValueError('not a valid url: ' + url)
2021-09-05 17:10:14 +00:00
youtube_ids.append({"url": url_no_param, "type": link_type})
return youtube_ids
def set_message(key, message, expire=True):
""" write new message to redis """
redis_connection = redis.Redis(host=REDIS_HOST)
'JSON.SET', key, '.', json.dumps(message)
if expire:
redis_connection.execute_command('EXPIRE', key, 20)
def get_message(key):
""" get any message from JSON key """
redis_connection = redis.Redis(host=REDIS_HOST)
reply = redis_connection.execute_command('JSON.GET', key)
if reply:
json_str = json.loads(reply)
json_str = {"status": False}
return json_str
def get_dl_message(cache_dir):
""" get latest message if available """
redis_connection = redis.Redis(host=REDIS_HOST)
reply = redis_connection.execute_command('JSON.GET', 'progress:download')
if reply:
json_str = json.loads(reply)
elif json_str := monitor_cache_dir(cache_dir):
json_str = monitor_cache_dir(cache_dir)
json_str = {"status": False}
return json_str
def get_lock(lock_key):
""" handle lock for task management """
redis_lock = redis.Redis(host=REDIS_HOST).lock(lock_key)
return redis_lock
2021-09-05 17:10:14 +00:00
def monitor_cache_dir(cache_dir):
look at download cache dir directly as alterative progress info
dl_cache = os.path.join(cache_dir, 'download')
cache_file = os.listdir(dl_cache)
if cache_file:
filename = cache_file[0][12:].replace('_', ' ').split('.')[0]
mess_dict = {
"status": "downloading",
"level": "info",
"title": "Downloading: " + filename,
"message": ""
return False
return mess_dict
class DurationConverter:
using ffmpeg to get and parse duration from filepath
def get_sec(file_path):
""" read duration from file """
duration =[
"ffprobe", "-v", "error", "-show_entries", "format=duration",
"-of", "default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1", file_path
], capture_output=True, check=True)
duration_sec = int(float(duration.stdout.decode().strip()))
return duration_sec
def get_str(duration_sec):
""" takes duration in sec and returns clean string """
hours = duration_sec // 3600
minutes = (duration_sec - (hours * 3600)) // 60
secs = duration_sec - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60)
duration_str = str()
if hours:
duration_str = str(hours).zfill(2) + ':'
if minutes:
duration_str = duration_str + str(minutes).zfill(2) + ':'
duration_str = duration_str + '00:'
duration_str = duration_str + str(secs).zfill(2)
return duration_str