
155 lines
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{% extends "home/base_settings.html" %}
{% load static %}
{% block settings_content %}
<div class="title-bar">
<h1>Scheduler Setup</h1>
<div class="settings-group">
<p>Schedule settings expect a cron like format, where the first value is minute, second is hour and third is day of the week.</p>
<li><span class="settings-current">0 15 *</span>: Run task every day at 15:00 in the afternoon.</li>
<li><span class="settings-current">30 8 */2</span>: Run task every second day of the week (Sun, Tue, Thu, Sat) at 08:30 in the morning.</li>
<li><span class="settings-current">auto</span>: Sensible default.</li>
<li><span class="settings-current">0</span>: (zero), deactivate that task.</li>
<li>Changes in the scheduler settings require a container restart to take effect.</li>
<li>Avoid an unnecessary frequent schedule to not get blocked by YouTube. For that reason, the scheduler doesn't support schedules that trigger more than once per hour.</li>
<form action="{% url 'settings_scheduling' %}" method="POST" name="scheduler-update">
{% csrf_token %}
<div class="settings-group">
<h2>Rescan Subscriptions</h2>
<div class="settings-item">
<p>Current rescan schedule: <span class="settings-current">
{% if config.scheduler.update_subscribed %}
{% for key, value in config.scheduler.update_subscribed.items %}
{{ value }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<p>Become a sponsor and join <a href="" target="_blank"></a> to get access to <span class="settings-current">real time</span> notifications for new videos uploaded by your favorite channels.</p>
<p>Periodically rescan your subscriptions:</p>
{{ scheduler_form.update_subscribed }}
<div class="settings-item">
<p>Send notification on task completed:</p>
{% if config.scheduler.update_subscribed_notify %}
<p><button type="button" onclick="textReveal(this)" id="text-reveal-button">Show</button> stored notification links</p>
<div id="text-reveal" class="description-text">
<p>{{ config.scheduler.update_subscribed_notify|linebreaks }}</p>
{% else %}
<p>Current notification urls: <span class="settings-current">{{ config.scheduler.update_subscribed_notify }}</span></p>
{% endif %}
{{ scheduler_form.update_subscribed_notify }}
<div class="settings-group">
<h2>Start download</h2>
<div class="settings-item">
<p>Current Download schedule: <span class="settings-current">
{% if config.scheduler.download_pending %}
{% for key, value in config.scheduler.download_pending.items %}
{{ value }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<p>Automatic video download schedule:</p>
{{ scheduler_form.download_pending }}
<div class="settings-item">
<p>Send notification on task completed:</p>
{% if config.scheduler.download_pending_notify %}
<p><button type="button" onclick="textReveal(this)" id="text-reveal-button">Show</button> stored notification links</p>
<div id="text-reveal" class="description-text">
<p>{{ config.scheduler.download_pending_notify|linebreaks }}</p>
{% else %}
<p>Current notification urls: <span class="settings-current">{{ config.scheduler.download_pending_notify }}</span></p>
{% endif %}
{{ scheduler_form.download_pending_notify }}
<div class="settings-group">
<h2>Refresh Metadata</h2>
<div class="settings-item">
<p>Current Metadata refresh schedule: <span class="settings-current">
{% if config.scheduler.check_reindex %}
{% for key, value in config.scheduler.check_reindex.items %}
{{ value }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<p>Daily schedule to refresh metadata from YouTube:</p>
{{ scheduler_form.check_reindex }}
<div class="settings-item">
<p>Current refresh for metadata older than x days: <span class="settings-current">{{ config.scheduler.check_reindex_days }}</span></p>
<p>Refresh older than x days, recommended 90:</p>
{{ scheduler_form.check_reindex_days }}
<div class="settings-item">
<p>Send notification on task completed:</p>
{% if config.scheduler.check_reindex_notify %}
<p><button type="button" onclick="textReveal(this)" id="text-reveal-button">Show</button> stored notification links</p>
<div id="text-reveal" class="description-text">
<p>{{ config.scheduler.check_reindex_notify|linebreaks }}</p>
{% else %}
<p>Current notification urls: <span class="settings-current">{{ config.scheduler.check_reindex_notify }}</span></p>
{% endif %}
{{ scheduler_form.check_reindex_notify }}
<div class="settings-group">
<h2>Thumbnail check</h2>
<div class="settings-item">
<p>Current thumbnail check schedule: <span class="settings-current">
{% if config.scheduler.thumbnail_check %}
{% for key, value in config.scheduler.thumbnail_check.items %}
{{ value }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<p>Periodically check and cleanup thumbnails:</p>
{{ scheduler_form.thumbnail_check }}
<div class="settings-group">
<h2>ZIP file index backup</h2>
<div class="settings-item">
<p><i>Zip file backups are very slow for large archives and consistency is not guaranteed, use snapshots instead. Make sure no other tasks are running when creating a Zip file backup.</i></p>
<p>Current index backup schedule: <span class="settings-current">
{% if config.scheduler.run_backup %}
{% for key, value in config.scheduler.run_backup.items %}
{{ value }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<p>Automatically backup metadata to a zip file:</p>
{{ scheduler_form.run_backup }}
<div class="settings-item">
<p>Current backup files to keep: <span class="settings-current">{{ config.scheduler.run_backup_rotate }}</span></p>
<p>Max auto backups to keep:</p>
{{ scheduler_form.run_backup_rotate }}
<button type="submit" name="scheduler-settings">Update Scheduler Settings</button>
{% endblock settings_content %}