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2021-09-14 11:33:55 +00:00
![Tube Archivist](assets/tube-archivist-banner.jpg?raw=true "Tube Archivist Banner")
2021-09-05 17:10:14 +00:00
2021-09-14 11:33:55 +00:00
<center><h1>Your self hosted Youtube media server</h1></center>
2021-09-05 17:10:14 +00:00
## Core functionality
* Subscribe to your favourite Youtube channels
* Download Videos using **yt-dlp**
* Index and make videos searchable
* Play videos
* Keep track of viewed and unviewed videos
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## Screenshots
![home screenshot](assets/tube-archivist-screenshot-home.png?raw=true "Tube Archivist Home")
*Home Page*
![channels screenshot](assets/tube-archivist-screenshot-channels.png?raw=true "Tube Archivist Channels")
*All Channels*
![single channel screenshot](assets/tube-archivist-screenshot-single-channel.png?raw=true "Tube Archivist Single Channel")
*Single Channel*
![video page screenshot](assets/tube-archivist-screenshot-video.png?raw=true "Tube Archivist Video Page")
*Video Page*
![video page screenshot](assets/tube-archivist-screenshot-download.png?raw=true "Tube Archivist Video Page")
*Downloads Page*
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## Problem Tube Archivist tries to solve
Once your Youtube video collection grows, it becomes hard to search and find a specific video. That's where Tube Archivist comes in: By indexing your video collection with metadata from Youtube, you can organize, search and enjoy your archived Youtube videos without hassle offline through a convenient web interface.
## Installation
Take a look at the example `docker-compose.yml` file provided. Tube Archivist depends on three main components split up into separate docker containers:
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### Tube Archivist
The main Python application that displays and serves your video collection, built with Django.
- Serves the interface on port `8000`
- Needs a mandatory volume for the video archive at **/youtube**
- And another recommended volume to save the cache for thumbnails and artwork at **/cache**.
- The environment variables `ES_URL` and `REDIS_HOST` are needed to tell Tube Archivist where Elasticsearch and Redis respectively are located.
- The environment variables `HOST_UID` and `HOST_GID` allows Tube Archivist to `chown` the video files to the main host system user instead of the container user.
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### Elasticsearch
Stores video metadata and makes everything searchable. Also keeps track of the download queue.
- Needs to be accessible over the default port `9200`
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- Needs a volume at **/usr/share/elasticsearch/data** to store data
Follow the [documentation]( for additional installation details.
### Redis JSON
Functions as a cache and temporary link between the application and the filesystem. Used to store and display messages and configuration variables.
- Needs to be accessible over the default port `6379`
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- Takes an optional volume at **/data** to make your configuration changes permanent.
## Getting Started
1. Go through the **settings** page and look at the available options. Particularly set *Download Format* to your desired video quality before downloading. **Tube Archivist** downloads the best available quality by default.
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2. Subscribe to some of your favourite Youtube channels on the **channels** page.
3. On the **downloads** page, click on *Rescan subscriptions* to add videos from the subscribed channels to your Download queue or click on *Add to download queue* to manually add Video IDs, links, channels or playlists.
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4. Click on *Download queue* and let Tube Archivist to it's thing.
5. Enjoy your archived collection!
## Import your existing library
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So far this depends on the video you are trying to import to be still available on youtube to get the metadata. Add the files you like to import to the */cache/import* folder. Then start the process from the settings page *Manual media files import*. Make sure to follow one of the two methods below.
### Method 1:
Add a matching *.json* file with the media file. Both files need to have the same base name, for example:
- For the media file: \<base-name>.mp4
- For the JSON file: \<base-name>.info.json
- Alternate JSON file: \<base-name>.json
**Tube Archivist** then looks for the 'id' key within the JSON file to identify the video.
### Method 2:
Detect the Youtube ID from filename, this accepts the default yt-dlp naming convention for file names like:
- \<base-name>[\<youtube-id>].mp4
- The Youtube ID in square brackets at the end of the filename is the crucial part.
### Some notes:
- This will **consume** the files you put into the import folder: Files will get converted to mp4 if needed (this might take a long time...) and moved to the archive, *.json* files will get deleted upon completion to avoid having doublicates on the next run.
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- Maybe start with a subset of your files to import to make sure everything goes well...
- Follow the logs to monitor progress and errors: `docker-compose logs -f tubearchivist`.
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## Potential pitfalls
### vm.max_map_count
**Elastic Search** in Docker requires the kernel setting of the host machine `vm.max_map_count` to be set to at least 262144.
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To temporary set the value run:
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
To apply the change permanently depends on your host operating system:
- For example on Ubuntu Server add `vm.max_map_count = 262144` to the file */etc/sysctl.conf*.
- On Arch based systems create a file */etc/sysctl.d/max_map_count.conf* with the content `vm.max_map_count = 262144`.
- On any other platform look up in the documentation on how to pass kernel parameters.
### Permissions for elasticsearch
If you see a message similar to `AccessDeniedException[/usr/share/elasticsearch/data/nodes]` when initially starting elasticsearch, that means the container is not allowed to write files to the volume.
That's most likely the case when you run `docker-compose` as an unprivileged user. To fix that issue, shutdown the container and on your host machine run:
chown 1000:0 /path/to/mount/point
This will match the permissions with the **UID** and **GID** of elasticsearch within the container and should fix the issue.
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## Roadmap
This should be considered as a **minimal viable product**, there is an extensive list of future functions and improvements planned.
### Functionality
- [ ] Access control
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- [ ] User roles
- [ ] Delete videos and channel
- [ ] Create playlists
- [ ] Backup and restore
- [ ] Podcast mode to serve channel as mp3
- [ ] Implement [PyFilesystem]( for flexible video storage
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- [X] Scan your filesystem to index already downloaded videos [2021-09-14]
### UI
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- [ ] Show similar videos on video page
- [ ] Multi language support
- [ ] Grid and list view for both channel and video list pages
- [ ] Show total video downloaded vs total videos available in channel
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## Known limitations
- Video files created by Tube Archivist need to be **mp4** video files for best browser compatibility.
- Every limitation of **yt-dlp** will also be present in Tube Archivist. If **yt-dlp** can't download or extract a video for any reason, Tube Archivist won't be able to either.
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- For now this is meant to be run in a trusted network environment.