"""handle release functionality""" import base64 import json from datetime import datetime from hashlib import sha256, md5 from hmac import HMAC, compare_digest from os import environ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests from src.db import DatabaseConnect from src.ta_redis import TaskHandler from src.webhook_base import WebhookBase HOOK_URL = { "tubearchivist/browser-extension": environ.get("GITHUB_COMPANION_HOOK_URL"), "tubearchivist/tubearchivist": environ.get("GITHUB_TA_HOOK_URL"), "tubearchivist/docs": environ.get("GITHUB_DOCS_URL"), "tubearchivist/tubearchivist-jf": environ.get("GITHUB_JF_URL"), "tubearchivist/tubearchivist-plex": environ.get("GITHUB_PLEX_URL"), } class GithubHook(WebhookBase): """process hooks from github""" def __init__(self, request): self.request = request self.hook = False self.repo = False self.repo_conf = False def validate(self): """make sure hook is legit""" sig = self.request.headers.get("X-Hub-Signature-256") if not sig: return False received = sig.split("sha256=")[-1].strip() print(f"received: {received}") secret = self.GH_HOOK_SECRET.encode() msg = self.request.data expected = HMAC(key=secret, msg=msg, digestmod=sha256).hexdigest() print(f"expected: {expected}") return compare_digest(received, expected) def create_hook_task(self): """check what task is required""" self.hook = self.request.json self.repo = self.hook["repository"]["name"] if self.repo not in self.HOOK_MAP: print(f"repo {self.repo} not registered") return False self.repo_conf = self.HOOK_MAP[self.repo] if "ref" in self.hook: # is a commit hook self.process_commit_hook() if "release" in self.hook: # is a release hook self.process_release_hook() if "pull_request" in self.hook or "issue" in self.hook: CommentNotification(self.hook).run() return False def process_commit_hook(self): """process commit hook after validation""" on_master = self.check_branch() if not on_master: print("commit not on master") return if self.repo in ["docs", "discord-bot"]: TaskHandler(self.repo_conf).create_task("rebuild") return if self.repo != "tubearchivist": return self._check_readme() build_message = self.check_commit_message() if not build_message: print("build keyword not found in commit message") return self.repo = self.hook["repository"]["name"] TaskHandler(self.repo_conf).create_task("build_unstable") def check_branch(self): """check if commit on master branch""" master_branch = self.hook["repository"]["master_branch"] ref = self.hook["ref"] return ref.endswith(master_branch) def check_commit_message(self): """check if keyword in commit message is there""" message = self.hook["head_commit"]["message"] first_line = message.split("\n")[0] return first_line.endswith(self.repo_conf["unstable_keyword"]) def _check_readme(self): """check readme if roadmap or es update needed""" modified = [i["modified"] for i in self.hook["commits"]] for i in modified: if "README.md" in i: print("README updated, check roadmap") RoadmapHook(self.repo_conf, self.ROADMAP_HOOK_URL).update() if "docker-compose.yml" in i: print("docker-compose updated, check es version") EsVersionSync(self.repo_conf).run() def process_release_hook(self): """build and process for new release""" if self.hook["action"] != "released": return tag_name = self.hook["release"]["tag_name"] task = TaskHandler(self.repo_conf, tag_name=tag_name) task.create_task("build_release") if self.repo == "tubearchivist": GithubBackup(tag_name).save_tag() def save_hook(self): """save hook to disk for easy debugging""" now = datetime.now().strftime("%s") filename = f"/data/hooks/github_hook-{now}.json" with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(json.dumps(self.hook)) class CommentNotification: """process comment notification hooks""" def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.type = False self.repo = False self.color_hash = "" def run(self): """run all""" self.dedect() if not self.type: print("skip hook run") return hook_data = self.build_hook_data() self.send_hook(hook_data) def dedect(self): """dedect origin""" if "issue" in self.data: self._process_issue_hook() elif "pull_request" in self.data: self._process_pull_request_hook() print(self.type) def _process_issue_hook(self): """process incomming issue message""" if self.data["issue"].get("pull_request", False): origin = "pull request" self.color_hash += "pullrequest" else: origin = "issue" self.color_hash += "issue" if self.data["action"] == "opened": self.type = f"New {origin} opened" elif self.data["action"] == "created": self.type = f"New comment on {origin}" elif self.data["action"] == "closed": self.type = f"Closed {origin}" def _process_pull_request_hook(self): """send notification about pull requests""" self.color_hash += "pullrequest" if self.data["action"] == "opened": # new pull request self.type = "New pull request opened" elif self.data["action"] == "closed": # pull request is closed is_merged = self.data["pull_request"].get("merged_at") if is_merged: self.type = "Pull request merged" else: self.type = "Pull request closed" def build_hook_data(self): """build author object""" hook_data = { "embeds": [ { "author": self._parse_author(), "title": self._parse_title(), "url": self._parse_comment_url(), "color": self._get_color(), } ] } description = self._prase_description() if description: hook_data["embeds"][0].update({"description": description}) return hook_data def _parse_author(self): """build author dict""" return { "name": self.data["sender"]["login"], "icon_url": self.data["sender"]["avatar_url"], "url": self.data["sender"]["html_url"], } def _parse_title(self): """build title""" self.repo = self.data["repository"]["full_name"] if "issue" in self.data: name = self.data["issue"]["title"] number = self.data["issue"]["number"] elif "pull_request" in self.data: name = self.data["pull_request"]["title"] number = self.data["pull_request"]["number"] else: raise ValueError("action not found in data") title = f"[{self.repo}] {self.type} #{number}: {name}" self.color_hash += f"{self.repo}-{number}" return title def _parse_comment_url(self): """build comment url""" if "issue" in self.data: html_url = self.data["issue"]["html_url"] comment_id = self.data["issue"]["id"] else: html_url = self.data["pull_request"]["html_url"] comment_id = self.data["pull_request"]["id"] comment_url = f"{html_url}#issue-{comment_id}" return comment_url def _prase_description(self): """extract text from html description""" if "comment" in self.data: html = self.data["comment"]["body"] elif "issue" in self.data: html = self.data["issue"]["body"] elif "pull_request" in self.data: html = self.data["pull_request"]["body"] else: print("no description text found") return False if self.data["action"] == "closed": return False if not html: return "No description provided." text = BeautifulSoup(html, features="html.parser").text if len(text) >= 500: text = text[:500].rsplit(" ", 1)[0] + " ..." return text def _get_color(self): """build color hash""" hex_str = md5(self.color_hash.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()[:6].encode() discord_col = int(hex_str, 16) return discord_col def send_hook(self, hook_data): """send hook""" url = HOOK_URL.get(self.repo) if not url: print(f"{self.repo} not found in HOOK_URL") return response = requests.post( f"{url}?wait=true", json=hook_data, timeout=10 ) if not response.ok: print(response.json()) class GithubBackup: """backup release and notes""" URL = "https://api.github.com/repos/bbilly1/tubearchivist/releases/tags/" TABLE = "ta_release" def __init__(self, tag): self.tag = tag self.ingest_line = False self.query = False def save_tag(self): """save release tag in db""" self.ingest_build_line() self.reset_latest() _ = self.db_execute() self._build_ingest_query() _ = self.db_execute() def get_tag(self): """get tag dict""" self.build_get_query() rows = self.db_execute() result = dict(rows[0]) return result def ingest_build_line(self): """ingest latest release into postgres""" response = requests.get(self.URL + self.tag, timeout=10) if not response.ok: print(response.text) raise ValueError response_json = response.json() if isinstance(response_json, list): last_release = response.json()[0] elif isinstance(response_json, dict): last_release = response.json() published_at = last_release["published_at"] published = datetime.strptime(published_at, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") release_notes = last_release["body"] head = release_notes.split("\r\n")[0].lower() breaking_changes = "manual changes" in head or "breaking changes" in head ingest_line = { "time_stamp": int(published.strftime("%s")), "time_stamp_human": published.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "release_version": last_release["tag_name"], "release_is_latest": True, "breaking_changes": breaking_changes, "release_notes": release_notes, } self.ingest_line = ingest_line def _build_ingest_query(self): """build ingest query for postgres""" keys = self.ingest_line.keys() values = tuple(self.ingest_line.values()) keys_str = ", ".join(keys) valid = ", ".join(["%s" for i in keys]) query = ( f"INSERT INTO {self.TABLE} ({keys_str}) VALUES ({valid});", values ) self.query = query def reset_latest(self): """unset latest tag of now old version""" self.query = ( f"UPDATE {self.TABLE} SET release_is_latest = %s;", (False,) ) def db_execute(self): """add line to postgres""" handler = DatabaseConnect() rows = handler.db_execute(self.query) handler.db_close() return rows def build_get_query(self): """get release dict from db""" if self.tag == "latest": query = ( f"SELECT * FROM {self.TABLE} " + "WHERE release_is_latest = True " + "LIMIT 1;" ) else: query = ( f"SELECT * FROM {self.TABLE} " + f"WHERE release_version = '{self.tag}' " + "LIMIT 1;" ) self.query = query class RoadmapHook: """update roadmap""" def __init__(self, repo_conf, hook_url): self.repo_conf = repo_conf self.hook_url = hook_url self.roadmap_raw = False self.implemented = False self.pending = False def update(self): """update message""" pending_old, implemented_old, message_id = self.get_last_roadmap() self.get_new_roadmap() self.parse_roadmap() if pending_old == self.pending and implemented_old == self.implemented: print("roadmap did not change") return if message_id: self.delete_webhook(message_id) last_id = self.send_message() self.update_roadmap(last_id) @staticmethod def get_last_roadmap(): """get last entry in db to comapre agains""" query = "SELECT * FROM ta_roadmap ORDER BY time_stamp DESC LIMIT 1;" handler = DatabaseConnect() rows = handler.db_execute(query) handler.db_close() try: pending = [i.get("pending") for i in rows][0] implemented = [i.get("implemented") for i in rows][0] last_id = [i.get("last_id") for i in rows][0] except IndexError: pending, implemented, last_id = False, False, False return pending, implemented, last_id def get_new_roadmap(self): """get current roadmap""" user = self.repo_conf.get("gh_user") repo = self.repo_conf.get("gh_repo") url = f"https://api.github.com/repos/{user}/{repo}/contents/README.md" response = requests.get(url, timeout=10).json() content = base64.b64decode(response["content"]).decode() paragraphs = [i.strip() for i in content.split("##")] for paragraph in paragraphs: if paragraph.startswith("Roadmap"): roadmap_raw = paragraph break else: roadmap_raw = False self.roadmap_raw = roadmap_raw def parse_roadmap(self): """extract relevant information""" pending_items = [] implemented_items = [] for line in self.roadmap_raw.split("\n"): if line.startswith("- [ ] "): pending_items.append(line.replace("[ ] ", "")) if line.startswith("- [X] "): implemented_items.append(line.replace("[X] ", "")) self.pending = "\n".join(pending_items) self.implemented = "\n".join(implemented_items) def delete_webhook(self, message_id): """delete old message""" url = f"{self.hook_url}/messages/{message_id}" response = requests.delete(url, timeout=10) print(response) def send_message(self): """build message dict""" data = { "embeds": [{ "title": "Upcoming:", "description": self.pending, "color": 2331524 }, { "title": "Implemented:", "description": self.implemented, "color": 10555 }] } response = requests.post( f"{self.hook_url}?wait=true", json=data, timeout=10 ) print(response) print(response.text) return response.json()["id"] def update_roadmap(self, last_id): """update new roadmap in db""" ingest_line = { "time_stamp": int(datetime.now().strftime("%s")), "time_stamp_human": datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "last_id": last_id, "implemented": self.implemented, "pending": self.pending, } keys = ingest_line.keys() values = tuple(ingest_line.values()) keys_str = ", ".join(keys) valid = ", ".join(["%s" for i in keys]) query = ( f"INSERT INTO ta_roadmap ({keys_str}) VALUES ({valid});", values ) handler = DatabaseConnect() _ = handler.db_execute(query) handler.db_close() class EsVersionSync: """check if bbilly1/tubearchivist-es needs updating""" REPO = "repos/tubearchivist/tubearchivist" COMPOSE = f"https://api.github.com/{REPO}/contents/docker-compose.yml" IMAGE = "bbilly1/tubearchivist-es" TAGS = f"https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/{IMAGE}/tags" def __init__(self, repo_conf): self.repo_conf = repo_conf self.expected = False self.current = False def run(self): """run check, send task if needed""" self.get_expected() self.get_current() if self.expected == self.current: print(f"{self.IMAGE} on expected {self.expected}") else: print(f"bump {self.IMAGE} {self.current} - {self.expected}") self.build_task() def get_expected(self): """get expected es version from readme""" response = requests.get(self.COMPOSE, timeout=10).json() content = base64.b64decode(response["content"]).decode() line = [i for i in content.split("\n") if self.IMAGE in i][0] self.expected = line.split()[-1] def get_current(self): """get current version from docker hub""" response = requests.get(self.TAGS, timeout=10).json() all_tags = [i.get("name") for i in response["results"]] all_tags.pop(0) all_tags.sort() self.current = all_tags[-1] def build_task(self): """build task for builder""" task = TaskHandler(self.repo_conf, tag_name=self.expected) task.create_task("sync_es")