#!/bin/bash # deploy all needed project files to different servers: # test for local vm for testing # blackhole for local production # docker to publish set -e function sync_blackhole { # docker commands need sudo host="blackhole.local" read -sp 'Password: ' remote_pw export PASS=$remote_pw rsync -a --progress --delete-after \ --exclude ".git" \ --exclude ".gitignore" \ --exclude "**/cache" \ --exclude "**/__pycache__/" \ --exclude "db.sqlite3" \ . -e ssh "$host":tubearchivist echo "$PASS" | ssh "$host" 'sudo -S docker build -t bbilly1/tubearchivist:latest tubearchivist 2>/dev/null' echo "$PASS" | ssh "$host" 'sudo -S docker-compose up -d 2>/dev/null' } function sync_test { # docker commands don't need sudo in testing vm host="tubearchivist.local" rsync -a --progress --delete-after \ --exclude ".git" \ --exclude ".gitignore" \ --exclude "**/cache" \ --exclude "**/__pycache__/" \ --exclude "db.sqlite3" \ . -e ssh "$host":tubearchivist rsync -r --progress --delete docker-compose.yml -e ssh "$host":docker ssh "$host" 'docker build -t bbilly1/tubearchivist:latest tubearchivist' ssh "$host" 'docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d' ssh "$host" 'docker cp tubearchivist/tubearchivist/testing.sh tubearchivist:/app/testing.sh' ssh "$host" 'docker exec tubearchivist chmod +x /app/testing.sh' } # run same tests and checks as with github action but locally # takes filename to validate as optional argument function validate { if [[ $1 ]]; then check_path="$1" else check_path="." fi echo "run validate on $check_path" echo "running bandit" bandit --recursive --skip B105,B108,B404,B603,B607 "$check_path" echo "running black" black --diff --color --check -l 79 "$check_path" echo "running codespell" codespell --skip="./.git" "$check_path" echo "running flake8" flake8 "$check_path" --count --max-complexity=12 --max-line-length=79 \ --show-source --statistics echo "running isort" isort --check-only --diff --profile black -l 79 "$check_path" printf " \n> all validations passed\n" } function sync_docker { # check things if [[ $(git branch --show-current) != 'master' ]]; then echo 'you are not on master, dummy!' return fi if [[ $(systemctl is-active docker) != 'active' ]]; then echo "starting docker" sudo systemctl start docker fi echo "latest tags:" git tag echo "latest docker images:" sudo docker image ls bbilly1/tubearchivist printf "\ncreate new version:\n" read -r VERSION # start build sudo docker build -t bbilly1/tubearchivist:latest -t bbilly1/tubearchivist:"$VERSION" . printf "\nlatest images:\n" sudo docker image ls bbilly1/tubearchivist echo "continue?" read -rn 1 # push to docker echo "pushing latest:" sudo docker push bbilly1/tubearchivist:latest echo "pushing $VERSION" sudo docker push bbilly1/tubearchivist:"$VERSION" # create release tag echo "commits since last version:" git log "$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)"..HEAD --oneline git tag -a "$VERSION" -m "new release version $VERSION" git push all "$VERSION" } # check package versions in requirements.txt for updates python version_check.py if [[ $1 == "blackhole" ]]; then sync_blackhole elif [[ $1 == "test" ]]; then sync_test elif [[ $1 == "validate" ]]; then validate "$2" elif [[ $1 == "docker" ]]; then sync_docker else echo "valid options are: blackhole | test | validate | docker" fi ## exit 0