# Tube Archivist Wiki **WIP**: This is work in progress! Welcome to the official Tube Archivist Wiki. This is an up-to-date documentation of user functionality. Table of contents: * [Main](Main): Tube Archivist landing page * [Channels](Channels): Browse your channels, handle subscriptions * [Downloads](Downloads): Scanning subscriptions, handle download queue * [Settings](Settings): All the configuration options ## Getting Started 1. [Subscribe](Channels#channels-overview) to some of your favourite YouTube channels. 2. [Scan](Downloads#rescan-subscriptions) subscriptions to add the latest videos to the download queue. 3. [Add](Downloads#add-to-download-queue) additional videos, channels or playlist - ignore the ones you don't want to download. 4. [Download](Downloads#download-queue) and let **Tube Archivist** do it's thing. 5. Sit back and enjoy your archived and indexed collection! ## General Navigation * Clicking on the channel name or the channel icon brings you to the dedicated channel page to show videos from that channel. * Clicking on a video title brings you to the dedicated video page and shows additional details. * Clicking on a video thumbnail opens the video player and starts streaming the selected video. * Hover over the playing video to show additional control options. An empty checkbox icon unseen icon will show for videos you haven't marked as watched. Click on it and the icon will change to a filled checkbox seen icon indicating it as watched.