# Channels Overview and Channel Detail Page The channels are organized on two different levels: ## Channels Overview Accessible at `/channel/` of your Tube Archivist, the **Overview Page** shows a list of all channels you have indexed. - You can filter that list to show or hide subscribed channels from the drop down menu. Clicking on the channel banner or the channel name will direct you to the *Channel Detail Page*. - If you are subscribed to a channel a *Unsubscribe* button will show. The **Subscribe to Channels** button add icon opens a text field to subscribe to a channel. You have a few options: - Enter the YouTube channel ID, a 25 character alphanumeric string. For example *UCBa659QWEk1AI4Tg--mrJ2A* - Enter the URL to the channel page on YouTube. For example *https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBa659QWEk1AI4Tg--mrJ2A* - Enter the video URL for any video and let Tube Archivist extract the channel ID for you. For example *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tdiKTSdE9Y* - Add one per line. - **Note**: Adding a link to a YouTube username will not work, for example: *https://www.youtube.com/c/TomScottGo* will fail, because a user can have multiple channels. On YouTube same as on **Tube Archivist**, you can only subscribe to a channel and *not* a user. The search icon search icon opens a text box to search for indexed channel names. Possible matches will show as you type. ## Channel Detail Each channel will get a dedicated channel detail page accessible at `/channel//` of your Tube Archivist. This page shows all the videos you have downloaded from this channel plus additional metadata. - If you are subscribed to the channel, an *Unsubscribe* button will show. - You can *Show* the channel description, that matches with the *About* tab on YouTube. - The **Mark as Watched** button will mark all videos of this channel as watched.