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synced 2025-02-23 00:10:16 +00:00
Save Video Progress (#179)
* Added cast integration docs. * Changed header sizes. * Added more space above Requirements * Added cast integration docs. * Removed separate cast integration docs * Further indented quote from Google * Switch to HTML based video position. * Ground work for API changes and video progress * Added onpause attribute to video. * Added save video progress feature. * Added API check for subtitle status. * Switch method to DELETE if position is 0 * Added `createVideoTag()` function * Added `InsertVideoTag()` function * Switch to JS generated video tag, add on page load * Removed extra data from DELETE request * Removed unused code * Reduced duplicate code * Cleanup & groundwork cast pull metadata from API * Minor bug fix * Fix saving video progress on player close. * Only send video progress when unwatched * Cleanup * Added `getURL()` function * Cast use API & save progress/mark as watched * Added cast progress checks * Changed thresholds for marking videos as watched * Added `watchedThreshold()` function
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,17 +2,7 @@
{% block content %}
{% load static %}
{% load humanize %}
<div class="video-main">
<video poster="/cache/{{ video.vid_thumb_url }}" controls preload="false" width="100%" playsinline
ontimeupdate="onVideoProgress('{{ video.youtube_id }}')" onloadedmetadata="setVideoProgress(0)" id="video-item">
<source src="/media/{{ video.media_url }}" type="video/mp4" id="video-source">
{% if video.subtitles %}
{% for subtitle in video.subtitles %}
<track label="{{subtitle.name}}" kind="subtitles" srclang="{{subtitle.lang}}" src="/media/{{subtitle.media_url}}">
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="video-main"></div>
<div class="boxed-content">
<div class="title-bar">
{% if cast %}
@ -122,4 +112,7 @@
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
window.onload = insertVideoTag('{{ video.youtube_id }}');
{% endblock content %}
@ -13,6 +13,16 @@ function initializeCastApi() {
cast.framework.RemotePlayerEventType.CURRENT_TIME_CHANGED, function() {
cast.framework.RemotePlayerEventType.IS_PAUSED_CHANGED, function() {
@ -26,32 +36,64 @@ function castConnectionChange(player) {
function castVideoProgress(player) {
var videoId = getVideoPlayerVideoId();
if (player.mediaInfo.contentId.includes(videoId)) {
var currentTime = player.currentTime;
var duration = player.duration;
if ((currentTime % 10) <= 1.0 && currentTime != 0 && duration != 0) { // Check progress every 10 seconds or else progress is checked a few times a second
postVideoProgress(videoId, currentTime);
if (!getVideoPlayerWatchStatus()) { // Check if video is already marked as watched
if (watchedThreshold(currentTime, duration)) {
function castVideoPaused(player) {
var videoId = getVideoPlayerVideoId();
var currentTime = player.currentTime;
var duration = player.duration;
if (player.mediaInfo != null) {
if (player.mediaInfo.contentId.includes(videoId)) {
if (currentTime != 0 && duration != 0) {
postVideoProgress(videoId, currentTime);
function castStart() {
var castSession = cast.framework.CastContext.getInstance().getCurrentSession();
// Check if there is already media playing on the cast target to prevent recasting on page reload or switching to another video page
if (!castSession.getMediaSession()) {
contentId = document.getElementById("video-source").src; // Get video URL
contentTitle = document.getElementById('video-title').innerHTML; // Get video title
contentImage = document.getElementById("video-item").poster; // Get video thumbnail URL
var videoId = getVideoPlayerVideoId();
var videoData = getVideoData(videoId);
var contentId = getURL() + videoData.data.media_url;
var contentTitle = videoData.data.title;
var contentImage = getURL() + videoData.data.vid_thumb_url;
contentType = 'video/mp4'; // Set content type, only videos right now so it is hard coded
contentCurrentTime = document.getElementById("video-item").currentTime; // Get video's current position
contentCurrentTime = getVideoPlayerCurrentTime(); // Get video's current position
contentActiveSubtitle = [];
// Check if a subtitle is turned on.
for (var i = 0; i < document.getElementById("video-item").textTracks.length; i++) {
if (document.getElementById("video-item").textTracks[i].mode == "showing") {
for (var i = 0; i < getVideoPlayer().textTracks.length; i++) {
if (getVideoPlayer().textTracks[i].mode == "showing") {
contentActiveSubtitle =[i + 1];
contentSubtitles = [];
for (var i = 0; i < document.getElementById("video-item").children.length; i++) {
if (document.getElementById("video-item").children[i].tagName == "TRACK") {
var videoSubtitles = videoData.data.subtitles; // Array of subtitles
if (typeof(videoSubtitles) != 'undefined' && videoData.config.downloads.subtitle) {
for (var i = 0; i < videoSubtitles.length; i++) {
subtitle = new chrome.cast.media.Track(i, chrome.cast.media.TrackType.TEXT);
subtitle.trackContentId = document.getElementById("video-item").children[i].src;
subtitle.trackContentId = videoSubtitles[i].media_url;
subtitle.trackContentType = 'text/vtt';
subtitle.subtype = chrome.cast.media.TextTrackType.SUBTITLES;
subtitle.name = document.getElementById("video-item").children[i].label;
subtitle.language = document.getElementById("video-item").children[i].srclang;
subtitle.name = videoSubtitles[i].name;
subtitle.language = videoSubtitles[i].lang;
subtitle.customData = null;
@ -91,7 +133,7 @@ function shiftCurrentTime(contentCurrentTime) { // Shift media back 3 seconds to
function castSuccessful() {
// console.log('Cast Successful.');
document.getElementById("video-item").pause(); // Pause browser video on successful cast
getVideoPlayer().pause(); // Pause browser video on successful cast
function castFailed(errorCode) {
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ function sortChange(sortValue) {
function isWatched(youtube_id) {
// sendVideoProgress(youtube_id, 0); // Reset video progress on watched;
postVideoProgress(youtube_id, 0); // Reset video progress on watched;
var payload = JSON.stringify({'watched': youtube_id});
var seenIcon = document.createElement('img');
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ function isWatchedButton(button) {
function isUnwatched(youtube_id) {
// sendVideoProgress(youtube_id, 0); // Reset video progress on unwatched;
postVideoProgress(youtube_id, 0); // Reset video progress on unwatched;
var payload = JSON.stringify({'un_watched': youtube_id});
var unseenIcon = document.createElement('img');
@ -298,20 +298,12 @@ function cancelDelete() {
function createPlayer(button) {
var videoId = button.getAttribute('data-id');
var videoData = getVideoData(videoId);
var videoUrl = videoData.media_url;
var videoThumbUrl = videoData.vid_thumb_url;
var videoName = videoData.title;
var videoName = videoData.data.title;
var subtitles = '';
var videoSubtitles = videoData.subtitles; // Array of subtitles
if (typeof(videoSubtitles) != 'undefined') {
for (var i = 0; i < videoSubtitles.length; i++) {
subtitles += `<track label="${videoSubtitles[i].name}" kind="subtitles" srclang="${videoSubtitles[i].lang}" src="${videoSubtitles[i].media_url}">`;
var videoTag = createVideoTag(videoId);
var playlist = '';
var videoPlaylists = videoData.playlist; // Array of playlists the video is in
var videoPlaylists = videoData.data.playlist; // Array of playlists the video is in
if (typeof(videoPlaylists) != 'undefined') {
var subbedPlaylists = getSubbedPlaylists(videoPlaylists); // Array of playlist the video is in that are subscribed
if (subbedPlaylists.length != 0) {
@ -322,24 +314,22 @@ function createPlayer(button) {
var videoProgress = videoData.player.progress; // Groundwork for saving video position, change once progress variable is added to API
var videoViews = formatNumbers(videoData.stats.view_count);
var videoViews = formatNumbers(videoData.data.stats.view_count);
var channelId = videoData.channel.channel_id;
var channelName = videoData.channel.channel_name;
var channelId = videoData.data.channel.channel_id;
var channelName = videoData.data.channel.channel_name;
document.getElementById(videoId).outerHTML = ''; // Remove watch indicator from video info
// If cast integration is enabled create cast button
var castButton = ``;
var castScript = document.getElementById('cast-script');
if (typeof(castScript) != 'undefined' && castScript != null) {
var castButton = '';
if (videoData.config.application.enable_cast) {
var castButton = `<google-cast-launcher id="castbutton"></google-cast-launcher>`;
// Watched indicator
if (videoData.player.watched) {
if (videoData.data.player.watched) {
var playerState = "seen";
var watchedFunction = "Unwatched";
} else {
@ -348,22 +338,19 @@ function createPlayer(button) {
var playerStats = `<div class="thumb-icon player-stats"><img src="/static/img/icon-eye.svg" alt="views icon"><span>${videoViews}</span>`;
if (videoData.stats.like_count) {
var likes = formatNumbers(videoData.stats.like_count);
if (videoData.data.stats.like_count) {
var likes = formatNumbers(videoData.data.stats.like_count);
playerStats += `<span>|</span><img src="/static/img/icon-thumb.svg" alt="thumbs-up"><span>${likes}</span>`;
if (videoData.stats.dislike_count) {
var dislikes = formatNumbers(videoData.stats.dislike_count);
if (videoData.data.stats.dislike_count && videoData.config.downloads.integrate_ryd) {
var dislikes = formatNumbers(videoData.data.stats.dislike_count);
playerStats += `<span>|</span><img class="dislike" src="/static/img/icon-thumb.svg" alt="thumbs-down"><span>${dislikes}</span>`;
playerStats += "</div>";
const markup = `
<div class="video-player" data-id="${videoId}">
<video poster="${videoThumbUrl}" ontimeupdate="onVideoProgress('${videoId}')" controls autoplay width="100%" playsinline id="video-item">
<source src="${videoUrl}#t=${videoProgress}" type="video/mp4" id="video-source">
<div class="player-title boxed-content">
<img class="close-button" src="/static/img/icon-close.svg" alt="close-icon" data="${videoId}" onclick="removePlayer()" title="Close player">
<img src="/static/img/icon-${playerState}.svg" alt="${playerState}-icon" id="${videoId}" onclick="is${watchedFunction}(this.id)" class="${playerState}-icon" title="Mark as ${watchedFunction}">
@ -377,47 +364,121 @@ function createPlayer(button) {
const divPlayer = document.getElementById("player");
const divPlayer = document.getElementById("player");
divPlayer.innerHTML = markup;
// Set video progress in seconds
function setVideoProgress(videoProgress) {
if (isNaN(videoProgress)) {
videoProgress = 0;
var videoElement = document.getElementById("video-item");
videoElement.currentTime = videoProgress;
// Add video tag to video page when passed a video id, function loaded on page load `video.html (115-117)`
function insertVideoTag(videoId) {
var videoTag = createVideoTag(videoId);
var videoMain = document.getElementsByClassName("video-main");
videoMain[0].innerHTML = videoTag;
// Runs on video playback, marks video as watched if video gets to 90% or higher, WIP sends position to api
function onVideoProgress(videoId) {
// Generates a video tag with subtitles when passed a video id.
function createVideoTag(videoId) {
var videoData = getVideoData(videoId);
var videoProgress = getVideoProgress(videoId).position;
var videoUrl = videoData.data.media_url;
var videoThumbUrl = videoData.data.vid_thumb_url;
var subtitles = '';
var videoSubtitles = videoData.data.subtitles; // Array of subtitles
if (typeof(videoSubtitles) != 'undefined' && videoData.config.downloads.subtitle) {
for (var i = 0; i < videoSubtitles.length; i++) {
subtitles += `<track label="${videoSubtitles[i].name}" kind="subtitles" srclang="${videoSubtitles[i].lang}" src="${videoSubtitles[i].media_url}">`;
var videoTag = `
<video poster="${videoThumbUrl}" ontimeupdate="onVideoProgress()" onpause="onVideoPause()" controls autoplay width="100%" playsinline id="video-item">
<source src="${videoUrl}#t=${videoProgress}" type="video/mp4" id="video-source" videoid="${videoId}">
return videoTag;
// Gets video tag
function getVideoPlayer() {
var videoElement = document.getElementById("video-item");
return videoElement;
// Gets the video source tag
function getVideoPlayerVideoSource() {
var videoPlayerVideoSource = document.getElementById("video-source");
return videoPlayerVideoSource;
// Gets the current progress of the video currently in the player
function getVideoPlayerCurrentTime() {
var videoElement = getVideoPlayer();
if (videoElement != null) {
if ((videoElement.currentTime % 10).toFixed(1) <= 0.2) { // Check progress every 10 seconds or else progress is checked a few times a second
// sendVideoProgress(videoId, videoElement.currentTime); // Groundwork for saving video position
if (((videoElement.currentTime / videoElement.duration) >= 0.90) && document.getElementById(videoId).className == "unseen-icon") {
return videoElement.currentTime;
// Gets the video id of the video currently in the player
function getVideoPlayerVideoId() {
var videoPlayerVideoSource = getVideoPlayerVideoSource();
if (videoPlayerVideoSource != null) {
return videoPlayerVideoSource.getAttribute("videoid");
// Gets the duration of the video currently in the player
function getVideoPlayerDuration() {
var videoElement = getVideoPlayer();
if (videoElement != null) {
return videoElement.duration;
// Gets current watch status of video based on watch button
function getVideoPlayerWatchStatus() {
var videoId = getVideoPlayerVideoId();
var watched = false;
if(document.getElementById(videoId).className != "unseen-icon") {
watched = true;
return watched;
// Runs on video playback, marks video as watched if video gets to 90% or higher, sends position to api
function onVideoProgress() {
var videoId = getVideoPlayerVideoId();
var currentTime = getVideoPlayerCurrentTime();
var duration = getVideoPlayerDuration();
if ((currentTime % 10).toFixed(1) <= 0.2) { // Check progress every 10 seconds or else progress is checked a few times a second
postVideoProgress(videoId, currentTime);
if (!getVideoPlayerWatchStatus()) { // Check if video is already marked as watched
if (watchedThreshold(currentTime, duration)) {
// Groundwork for saving video position
function sendVideoProgress(videoId, videoProgress) {
var apiEndpoint = "/api/video/";
if (isNaN(videoProgress)) {
videoProgress = 0;
function watchedThreshold(currentTime, duration) {
var watched = false;
if (duration <= 1800){ // If video is less than 30 min
if ((currentTime / duration) >= 0.90) { // Mark as watched at 90%
var watched = true;
} else { // If video is more than 30 min
if (currentTime >= (duration - 120)) { // Mark as watched if there is two minutes left
var watched = true;
var data = {
"data": [{
"youtube_id": videoId,
"player": {
"progress": videoProgress
videoData = apiRequest(apiEndpoint, "POST", data);
return watched;
// Runs on video pause. Sends current position.
function onVideoPause() {
var videoId = getVideoPlayerVideoId();
var currentTime = getVideoPlayerCurrentTime();
postVideoProgress(videoId, currentTime);
// Format numbers for frontend
@ -435,27 +496,34 @@ function formatNumbers(number) {
return numberFormatted;
// Gets video data in JSON format when passed video ID
// Gets video data when passed video ID
function getVideoData(videoId) {
var apiEndpoint = "/api/video/" + videoId + "/";
videoData = apiRequest(apiEndpoint, "GET");
return videoData.data;
var videoData = apiRequest(apiEndpoint, "GET");
return videoData;
// Gets channel data in JSON format when passed channel ID
// Gets channel data when passed channel ID
function getChannelData(channelId) {
var apiEndpoint = "/api/channel/" + channelId + "/";
channelData = apiRequest(apiEndpoint, "GET");
var channelData = apiRequest(apiEndpoint, "GET");
return channelData.data;
// Gets playlist data in JSON format when passed playlist ID
// Gets playlist data when passed playlist ID
function getPlaylistData(playlistId) {
var apiEndpoint = "/api/playlist/" + playlistId + "/";
playlistData = apiRequest(apiEndpoint, "GET");
var playlistData = apiRequest(apiEndpoint, "GET");
return playlistData.data;
// Get video progress data when passed video ID
function getVideoProgress(videoId) {
var apiEndpoint = "/api/video/" + videoId + "/progress/";
var videoProgress = apiRequest(apiEndpoint, "GET");
return videoProgress;
// Given an array of playlist ids it returns an array of subbed playlist ids from that list
function getSubbedPlaylists(videoPlaylists) {
var subbedPlaylists = [];
@ -467,18 +535,43 @@ function getSubbedPlaylists(videoPlaylists) {
return subbedPlaylists;
// Makes api requests when passed an endpoint and method ("GET" or "POST")
// Send video position when given video id and progress in seconds
function postVideoProgress(videoId, videoProgress) {
var apiEndpoint = "/api/video/" + videoId + "/progress/";
if (!isNaN(videoProgress)) {
var data = {
"position": videoProgress
if (videoProgress == 0) {
apiRequest(apiEndpoint, "DELETE");
console.log("Deleting Video Progress for Video ID: " + videoId + ", Progress: " + videoProgress);
} else if (!getVideoPlayerWatchStatus()) {
apiRequest(apiEndpoint, "POST", data);
console.log("Saving Video Progress for Video ID: " + videoId + ", Progress: " + videoProgress);
// Makes api requests when passed an endpoint and method ("GET", "POST", "DELETE")
function apiRequest(apiEndpoint, method, data) {
const xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var sessionToken = getCookie("sessionid");
xhttp.open(method, apiEndpoint, false);
xhttp.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", getCookie("csrftoken")); // Used for video progress POST requests
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Token " + sessionToken);
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
return JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText);
function getURL() {
return window.location.href.replace(window.location.pathname, "");
function removePlayer() {
var currentTime = getVideoPlayerCurrentTime();
var videoId = getVideoPlayerVideoId();
postVideoProgress(videoId, currentTime);
var playerElement = document.getElementById('player');
if (playerElement.hasChildNodes()) {
var youtubeId = playerElement.childNodes[1].getAttribute("data-id");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user