Once your Youtube video collection grows, it becomes hard to search and find a specific video. That's where Tube Archivist comes in: By indexing your video collection with metadata from Youtube, you can organize, search and enjoy your archived Youtube videos without hassle offline through a convenient web interface.
## Installation
Take a look at the example `docker-compose.yml` file provided. Tube Archivist depends on three main components split up into seperate docker containers:
### Tube Archivist
The main Python application that displays and serves your video collection, built with Django.
- Serves the interface on port `8000`
- Needs a mandatory volume for the video archive at **/youtube**
- And another recommended volume to save the cache for thumbnails and artwork at **/cache**.
- The environment variables `ES_URL` and `REDIS_HOST` are needed to tell Tube Archivist where Elasticsearch and Redis respectively are located.
- The environment variables `HOST_UID` and `HOST_GID` allowes Tube Archivist to `chown` the video files to the main host system user instead of the container user.
### Elasticsearch
Stores video meta data and makes everything searchable. Also keeps track of the download queue.
- Needs to be accessable over the default port `9200`
- Needs a volume at **/usr/share/elasticsearch/data** to store data
Follow the [documentation](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docker.html) for additional installation details.
### Redis JSON
Functions as a cache and temporary link between the application and the filesystem. Used to store and display messages and configuration variables.
- Needs to be accessable over the default port `6379`
- Takes an optional volume at **/data** to make your configuration changes permanent.
1. Go through the **settings** page and look at the available options. Particularly set *Download Format* to your desired video quality before downloading.
3. On the **downloads** page, click on *Rescan subscriptions* to add videos from the subscribed channels to your Download queue or click on *Add to download queue* to manually add Video IDs, links, channels or playlists.
- Every limitation of **yt-dlp** will also be present in Tube Archivist. If **yt-dlp** can't download or extract a video for any reason, Tube Archivist won't be able to either.