#!/bin/bash set -e function validate { if [[ $1 ]]; then check_path="$1" else check_path="." fi echo "run validate on $check_path" # note: this logic is duplicated in the `./github/workflows/lint_python.yml` config # if you update this file, you should update that as well echo "running black" black --force-exclude "migrations/*" --diff --color --check -l 79 "$check_path" echo "running codespell" codespell --skip="./.git,./.venv,./.mypy_cache" "$check_path" echo "running flake8" flake8 "$check_path" --exclude "migrations,.venv" --count --max-complexity=10 \ --max-line-length=79 --show-source --statistics echo "running isort" isort --skip "migrations" --skip ".venv" --check-only --diff --profile black -l 79 "$check_path" printf " \n> all validations passed\n" } function sync_test { # docker commands don't need sudo in testing vm host="tubearchivist.local" # make base folder ssh "$host" "mkdir -p docker" # copy project files to build image rsync -a --progress --delete-after \ --exclude ".git" \ --exclude ".gitignore" \ --exclude "**/cache" \ --exclude "**/__pycache__/" \ --exclude ".venv" \ --exclude "db.sqlite3" \ --exclude ".mypy_cache" \ . -e ssh "$host":tubearchivist-jf ssh "$host" "docker buildx build --build-arg INSTALL_DEBUG=1 -t bbilly1/tubearchivist-jf:latest tubearchivist-jf --load" ssh "$host" 'docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d' } if [[ $1 == "validate" ]]; then validate "$2" elif [[ $1 == "test" ]]; then sync_test else echo "valid options are: validate | test" fi ## exit 0