This is a proof of concept, looking for feedback. For the time being, only use it for your testing environment, *not* for your main Jellyfin server. This requires Tube Archivist v0.3.5 or later for API compatibility.
At the core, this links the two APIs together: This first queries the Jellyfin API for YouTube videos for any videos that don't have metadata to then populate the required fields from Tube Archivist. Then as a secondary step this will transfer the artwork.
To import an existing Tube Archivist archive created with v0.3.4 or before, there are a few manual steps needed. These issues are fixed with videos and channels indexed with v0.3.5 and later.
Apply these fixes *before* importing the archive.
Fix folder permissions not owned by the correct user. Navigate to the `ta_video_path` and run:
sudo chown -R $UID:$GID .
**Channel Art**
Tube Archivist v0.3.5 adds additional art work to the channel metadata. To trigger an automatic refresh of your old channels open a Python shell within the *tubearchivist* container:
docker exec -it tubearchivist python
Then execute these lines to trigger a background task for a full metadata refresh for all channels.