!!! note These are beginner's guides/installation instructions for additional platforms generously provided by users of these platforms. When in doubt, verify the details with the [project README](https://github.com/tubearchivist/tubearchivist#installing-and-updating). If you see any issues here while using these instructions, please contribute. Podman handles container hostname resolving slightly differently than docker, so you need to make a few changes to the `docker-compose.yml` to get up and running. ### Follow the installation instructions from the [README](https://github.com/tubearchivist/tubearchivist#installing-and-updating), with a few additional changes to the `docker-compose.yml`. Edit these additional changes to the `docker-compose.yml`: - under `tubearchivist`->`image`: - prefix the container name with `docker.io/` (or the url of your repo of choice). - under `tubearchivist`->`environment`: - `ES_URL`: change `archivist-es` to the internal IP of the computer that will be running the containers. - `REDIS_HOST`: change `archivist-redis` to the internal IP of the computer that will be running the containers (should be the same as above). - under `archivist-redis`->`image`: - prefix the container name with `docker.io/` again. - under `archivist-redis`->`expose`: - change the whole entry from `expose: [""]` into `ports: [":"]. - under `archivist-es`->`image`: - prefix the container name with `docker.io/` again. - under `archivist-es`->`expose`: - change the whole entry from `expose: [""]` into `ports: [":"]. ### Create service files (optional) Since podman doesn't run as a service, it can't start containers after reboots, at least not without some help. If you want to enable this behavior, you can follow [this example](https://techblog.jeppson.org/2020/04/create-podman-services-with-podman-compose/) to have `systemd` start up the containers with `podman-compose` when the computer boots up.