![Tube Archivist Companion](assets/tube-archivist-companion-banner.png?raw=true "Tube Archivist Companion Banner")

Tube Archivist Companion for your Browser

tubearchivist-firefox tubearchivist-chrome
## Core Functionality A browser extension to bridge YouTube with [Tube Archivist](https://github.com/tubearchivist/tubearchivist). This extension allows you to do the following: - Add your Tube Archivist connection details in the addon popup - Add a download button to the popup for YouTube links - Add a subscribe button to subscribe to channels and playlists ![popup screenshot](assets/screenshot.png?raw=true "Tube Archivist Companion Popup") ## Install - Firefox: The addon is available on the [Extension store](https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/tubearchivist-companion/). - Chrome: The addon is available on the [Chrome Web Store](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tubearchivist-companion/jjnkmicfnfojkkgobdfeieblocadmcie). ## Update After a new release here on GitHub, you'll get updates automatically in your browser. Due to the verification process, for Firefox this usually takes 1-2 hours, for Chrome 2-3 days. ## Permissions - **Access your data for www.youtube.com**: Needed for the addon to know your current page on YouTube to send the link to Tube Archivist. - **Storage**: Needed to store your connection details, needed to store your last visited YouTube link within the browser. ## Setup - **URL**: This is where your Tube Archivist instance is located. Can be a host name or a IP address, use a full URL with protocol, e.g. *http://*. - **Port**: Network port of TA. - **API key**: You can find your API key on the settings page of your Tube Archivist instance. A green checkmark will appear next to the *Save* button if your connection is working. ## Test this extension Use the correct manifest file for your browser. Either rename the browser specific file to `manifest.json` before loading the addon or symlink it to the correct location, e.g. `ln -s manifest-firefox.json manifest.json`. - Firefox - Open `about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox` - Click on *Load Temporary Add-on* - Select the *manifest.json* file to load the addon. - Chrome / Chromium - Open `chrome://extensions/` - Toggle *Developer mode* on top right - Click on *Load unpacked* - Open the folder containing the *manifest.json* file. ## Compatibility - Verify that you are running the latest version of Tube Archivist as the API is under development and will change. - For testing this extension between releases, use the *unstable* builds of Tube Archivist, only for your tesing environment. ## Help needed Join us on [Discord](https://discord.gg/AFwz8nE7BK) and help us improve and extend this project.