/* extension background script listening for events */ console.log('running background.js'); let browserType = getBrowser(); // boilerplate to dedect browser type api function getBrowser() { if (typeof chrome !== 'undefined') { if (typeof browser !== 'undefined') { return browser; } else { return chrome; } } else { console.log('failed to detect browser'); throw 'browser detection error'; } } // send get request to API backend async function sendGet(path) { let access = await getAccess(); const url = `${access.url}:${access.port}/${path}`; console.log('GET: ' + url); const rawResponse = await fetch(url, { method: 'GET', headers: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Token ' + access.apiKey, mode: 'no-cors', }, }); const content = await rawResponse.json(); return content; } // send post/put request to API backend async function sendData(path, payload, method) { let access = await getAccess(); const url = `${access.url}:${access.port}/${path}`; console.log(`${method}: ${url}`); console.log(`${method}: ${JSON.stringify(payload)}`); try { const rawResponse = await fetch(url, { method: method, headers: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Token ' + access.apiKey, mode: 'no-cors', }, body: JSON.stringify(payload), }); const content = await rawResponse.json(); return content; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return null; } } // read access details from storage.local async function getAccess() { var storage = await browserType.storage.local.get('access'); return storage.access; } // check if cookie is valid async function getCookieState() { const path = 'api/cookie/'; let response = await sendGet(path); console.log('cookie state: ' + JSON.stringify(response)); return response; } // send ping to server, return response async function verifyConnection() { const path = 'api/ping/'; let response = await sendGet(path); console.log('verify connection: ' + JSON.stringify(response)); return response; } // send youtube link from injected buttons async function youtubeLink(youtubeMessage) { let path; let payload; if (youtubeMessage.action === 'download') { path = 'api/download/'; payload = { data: [ { youtube_id: youtubeMessage.url, status: 'pending', }, ], }; } else if (youtubeMessage.action === 'subscribe') { path = 'api/channel/'; payload = { data: [ { channel_id: youtubeMessage.url, channel_subscribed: true, }, ], }; } let response = await sendData(path, payload, 'POST'); return response; } async function cookieStr(cookieLines) { const path = 'api/cookie/'; let payload = { cookie: cookieLines.join('\n'), }; let response = await sendData(path, payload, 'PUT'); return response; } function buildCookieLine(cookie) { return [ cookie.domain, 'TRUE', cookie.path, cookie.httpOnly.toString().toUpperCase(), Math.trunc(cookie.expirationDate) || 0, cookie.name, cookie.value, ].join('\t'); } async function sendCookies() { console.log('function sendCookies'); let cookieStores = await browserType.cookies.getAllCookieStores(); var cookieLines = [ '# Netscape HTTP Cookie File', '# https://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html', '# This is a generated file! Do not edit.\n', ]; for (let i = 0; i < cookieStores.length; i++) { const cookieStore = cookieStores[i]; var allCookiesStore = await browserType.cookies.getAll({ domain: '.youtube.com', storeId: cookieStore['id'], }); for (let j = 0; j < allCookiesStore.length; j++) { const cookie = allCookiesStore[j]; cookieLines.push(buildCookieLine(cookie)); } } let response = cookieStr(cookieLines); return response; } // process and return message if needed function handleMessage(request, sender, sendResponse) { console.log('message background.js listener: ' + JSON.stringify(request)); if (request.verify === true) { let response = verifyConnection(); response.then(message => { sendResponse(message); }); } else if (request.youtube) { let response = youtubeLink(request.youtube); response.then(message => { sendResponse(message); }); } else if (request.cookieState) { let response = getCookieState(); response.then(message => { sendResponse(message); }); } else if (request.sendCookie) { console.log('backgound: ' + JSON.stringify(request)); let response = sendCookies(); response.then(message => { sendResponse(message); }); } return true; } browserType.runtime.onMessage.addListener(handleMessage);