/* extension background script listening for events */ 'use strict'; console.log('running background.js'); let browserType = getBrowser(); // boilerplate to dedect browser type api function getBrowser() { if (typeof chrome !== 'undefined') { if (typeof browser !== 'undefined') { return browser; } else { return chrome; } } else { console.log('failed to detect browser'); throw 'browser detection error'; } } // send get request to API backend async function sendGet(path) { let access = await getAccess(); const url = `${access.url}:${access.port}/${path}`; console.log('GET: ' + url); const rawResponse = await fetch(url, { method: 'GET', headers: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Token ' + access.apiKey, mode: 'no-cors', }, }); const content = await rawResponse.json(); return content; } // send post/put request to API backend async function sendData(path, payload, method) { let access = await getAccess(); const url = `${access.url}:${access.port}/${path}`; console.log(`${method}: ${url}`); if (!path.endsWith('cookie/')) console.log(`${method}: ${JSON.stringify(payload)}`); try { const rawResponse = await fetch(url, { method: method, headers: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Token ' + access.apiKey, mode: 'no-cors', }, body: JSON.stringify(payload), }); const content = await rawResponse.json(); return content; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return null; } } // read access details from storage.local async function getAccess() { let storage = await browserType.storage.local.get('access'); return storage.access; } // check if cookie is valid async function getCookieState() { const path = 'api/appsettings/cookie/'; let response = await sendGet(path); console.log('cookie state: ' + JSON.stringify(response)); return response; } // send ping to server async function verifyConnection() { const path = 'api/ping/'; let message = await sendGet(path); console.log('verify connection: ' + JSON.stringify(message)); if (message?.response === 'pong') { return true; } else if (message?.detail) { throw new Error(message.detail); } else { throw new Error(`got unknown message ${JSON.stringify(message)}`); } } // send youtube link from injected buttons async function download(url) { let apiURL = 'api/download/'; let autostart = await browserType.storage.local.get('autostart'); if (Object.keys(autostart).length > 0 && autostart.autostart.checked) { apiURL += '?autostart=true'; } return await sendData( apiURL, { data: [ { youtube_id: url, status: 'pending', }, ], }, 'POST' ); } async function subscribe(url, subscribed) { return await sendData( 'api/channel/', { data: [ { channel_id: url, channel_subscribed: subscribed, }, ], }, 'POST' ); } async function videoExists(id) { const path = `api/video/${id}/`; let response = await sendGet(path); if (response?.error) return false; let access = await getAccess(); return new URL(`video/${id}/`, `${access.url}:${access.port}/`).href; } async function getChannel(channelHandle) { const path = `api/channel/search/?q=${channelHandle}`; try { return await sendGet(path); } catch { return false; } } async function cookieStr(cookieLines) { const path = 'api/appsettings/cookie/'; let payload = { cookie: cookieLines.join('\n'), }; let response = await sendData(path, payload, 'PUT'); return response; } function buildCookieLine(cookie) { // 2nd argument controls subdomains, and must match leading dot in domain let includeSubdomains = cookie.domain.startsWith('.') ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; return [ cookie.domain, includeSubdomains, cookie.path, cookie.httpOnly.toString().toUpperCase(), Math.trunc(cookie.expirationDate) || 0, cookie.name, cookie.value, ].join('\t'); } async function getCookieLines() { const acceptableDomains = ['.youtube.com', 'youtube.com', 'www.youtube.com']; let cookieStores = await browserType.cookies.getAllCookieStores(); let cookieLines = [ '# Netscape HTTP Cookie File', '# https://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html', '# This is a generated file! Do not edit.\n', ]; for (let i = 0; i < cookieStores.length; i++) { const cookieStore = cookieStores[i]; let allCookiesStore = await browserType.cookies.getAll({ domain: '.youtube.com', storeId: cookieStore['id'], }); for (let j = 0; j < allCookiesStore.length; j++) { const cookie = allCookiesStore[j]; if (acceptableDomains.includes(cookie.domain)) { cookieLines.push(buildCookieLine(cookie)); } } } return cookieLines; } async function sendCookies() { console.log('function sendCookies'); let cookieLines = await getCookieLines(); let response = cookieStr(cookieLines); return response; } let listenerEnabled = false; let isThrottled = false; async function handleContinuousCookie(checked) { if (checked === true) { browserType.cookies.onChanged.addListener(onCookieChange); listenerEnabled = true; console.log('Cookie listener enabled'); } else { browserType.cookies.onChanged.removeListener(onCookieChange); listenerEnabled = false; console.log('Cookie listener disabled'); } } function onCookieChange(changeInfo) { if (!isThrottled) { isThrottled = true; console.log('Cookie event detected:', changeInfo); sendCookies(); setTimeout(() => { isThrottled = false; }, 10000); } } /* process and return message if needed the following messages are supported: type Message = | { type: 'verify' } | { type: 'cookieState' } | { type: 'sendCookie' } | { type: 'getCookieLines' } | { type: 'continuousSync', checked: boolean } | { type: 'download', url: string } | { type: 'subscribe', url: string } | { type: 'unsubscribe', url: string } | { type: 'videoExists', id: string } | { type: 'getChannel', url: string } */ function handleMessage(request, sender, sendResponse) { console.log('message background.js listener got message', request); // this function must return the value `true` in chrome to signal the response will be async; // it cannot return a promise // so in order to use async/await, we need a wrapper (async () => { switch (request.type) { case 'verify': { return await verifyConnection(); } case 'cookieState': { return await getCookieState(); } case 'sendCookie': { return await sendCookies(); } case 'getCookieLines': { return await getCookieLines(); } case 'continuousSync': { return await handleContinuousCookie(request.checked); } case 'download': { return await download(request.url); } case 'subscribe': { return await subscribe(request.url, true); } case 'unsubscribe': { let channel = await getChannel(request.url); return await subscribe(channel.channel_id, false); } case 'videoExists': { return await videoExists(request.videoId); } case 'getChannel': { return await getChannel(request.channelHandle); } default: { let err = new Error(`unknown message type ${JSON.stringify(request.type)}`); console.log(err); throw err; } } })() .then(value => sendResponse({ success: true, value })) .catch(e => { console.log(e); let message = e?.message ?? e; if (message === 'Failed to fetch') { // chrome's error message for failed `fetch` is not very user-friendly message = 'Could not connect to server'; } sendResponse({ success: false, value: message }); }); return true; } browserType.runtime.onMessage.addListener(handleMessage); browserType.runtime.onStartup.addListener(() => { browserType.storage.local.get('continuousSync', data => { handleContinuousCookie(data?.continuousSync?.checked || false); }); });